Still too early for the Christmas market

It's been Christmas on Landsberger Allee since Friday

It’s been Christmas on Landsberger Allee since Friday Photo: Olaf Selchow/BZ-Montage

By Johannes Malinowski

A Christmas fair opened on Landsberger Allee on Friday. There are also wooden huts selling mulled wine on Potsdamer Platz. A comment from BZ editor Johannes Malinowski.

I don’t care whether the markets are called Winter Magic, Winter World or Light Market: It’s too early for this stall magic! Advent begins the week after Dead Sunday.

November is the silent month of remembrance. A time of contemplation in which we remember our departed loved ones. Before the flashy and commercialized Christmas season.

Around 21 percent of Berliners are Protestant or Catholic. Far more people celebrate Christmas. We should agree on this denominator.

Everything has it’s time. But if things continue like this, at some point there will be chocolate Easter bunnies with mulled wine.


Christmas Christmas market Christmas market Berlin Christmas markets Berlin
