Review: Zustra :: The Dream Of Reason

Ariana Zustra plays both sides of the coin – she is a musician and a trained journalist (for the Musikexpress, among others). A mixture that rarely bears significant artistic fruit. In the case of ZUSTRAS, who has expelled the lowercase letters from her surname for her stage name, things are exceptionally different because on her debut album THE DREAM OF REASON she doesn’t hide her penchant for orchestral pomp behind self-imposed vows of coolness.

That doesn’t mean that their melancholic, sluggish songs, which, in addition to pointed drumming, focus on their unambiguous pawn, their voice, sound like Nightwish in pop realms. On the contrary: songwriting intellect, which is not stingy with references and direct quotations and is sometimes transported in Croatian and French, meets beautiful, by no means overloaded soundscapes reminiscent of The xx (“Walking On The Moon”), Austra (the title track) and other grandees of emotional pop music without coming across as mere copies. This is mainly because there is always a rather unique pathos involved. One that is so seldom heard.


The Moldy Peaches :: Origin Story 1994 – 1999

Anarchic, spontaneous, snotty: listening to the Moldy Peaches make music is still a real pleasure. Now are early demos, live tracks…

Basia Bulat :: The Garden

In chamber music versions, the Canadian wraps the grandeur of her old songs in new velvet.

Sasami :: Squeeze

The Californian’s second work jerky daringly and not always confidently between heavy rock and folk pop.


Spider-Man: No Way Home: Multiverse, Metaplane Humor & Marvel Trailer

The new Marvel film “Spider-Man: No Way Home” promises the usual impressive superhero spectacle. In addition, fans of the old Spider-Man films will get their money’s worth this time. Is that enough to pick up people outside of the Marvel Bubble?

Schmyt and Majan bring a song about letting go: “Universe rules” (music video)

You just don’t wish well on some people. Instead of succumbing to feelings of anger and hate, Schmyt and Majan have another idea and sing: “I won’t make myself a son of a bitch for you”.

Paul’s Jets Release New Song “So Right In Love”

The Viennese group Pauls Jets has released a harbinger of their album JAZZFEST, which will be released in February, with “So correctly in Love”.
