Waarom the spooksnelweg in Germany as long as the traffic can be seen | Buitenland

From the ‘Spooksnelweg’ of Germany, it never goes to the country. The transporter does something apocalyptic: planted grass and mos nemen bezit van the asphalt and bomen hangen ver over the door zon en wind teisterde rijstroken. The vangrails and bridges are still on the streets, the streets along the streets are wide. How will he be in the pressured area – from the German steden clubs and aks – voor kozenen om a complete quick way after te sluiten?

KIJK. Spooksnelweg in Germany was built for 10 years:

In 2014, he drove his grandchildren to the car on the route of the A4 highway, with two clubs and Aken. It’s now released 10 years later, with a bizarre work. The largest dagbouwmijn van Germany.

Omdat deze bruinkoolmijn – was reusige graafmachines de ground dead on large diepte away scraping – were uitgebreid, most of the speedway A4 has been laid. This was the plan to use the fast track in Jaren 90, and the project was launched in 2014. Within 1.7 kilometers to the south there will be a new highway that is 17.6 kilometers long.

Archiefbeeld van a protest in 2018 tegen de verdere uitbreiding van de bruinkooloperaties in Hambach. © Christophe Gateau/dpa

Ook spookdorp

If the A4 is broken and the button is turned, they will also be hit on the door of the bridge. He was still living in Manheim in the town of Kerpen, where he lived in a spooky place. The kart base of the family of former Formule 1-coureur Michael Schumacher also has even ten proofs of the gigantic machines, the area is being talked about by protests from milieu organizations.

Beeld from 2017 of a protest from an activist group against the Bruinkooperaties in Hambach.
Beeld from 2017 of a protest from an activist group against the Bruinkooperaties in Hambach. © EPA

Zone panels

It is built quickly and will never be slooped. The roads, vangrails and bridges are still running on the previous highway. We will be given a slutty best mming for the purpose of the journey. In the western part of the never sea used route in the district of Niederzier, located in 2017, there is a large area on the panels. The ‘zonnesnelweg’ has a capacity of 750 kilowatts, located on 2,820 solar panels and stretched over 620 meters on asphalt.

Op een na largest sea of ​​Germany

The dagbouwmijn van Hambach has the afgelopen jaren heel wat protest opgeleverd in Germany. Volgens de authoriteiten zal ze real op long termijn a positive effect hebben op de omgeving, omdat daar na de beëindiging van de bruinkoolmijnbouw het op één na largest meer van Germany zal ontstaan.

Begin the year he still had to do the construction of the German ‘bruinkooldorp’ Lützerath, nabij de stad Aken. Also Lützerath can be used to make the beds more suitable for bruinkoolwinning. The verlaten spookdorp will be visited by activists for two years.

Are the oorlog in Oekraïne stookt Germany extra veel bruinkool om elektriciteit op te waken. Bruinkool is responsible in the country for 20 percent of the total CO2 emissions.

Large protest in Germany with CO2 emissions from the Belgian heel (+)

Germany heropent bruinkoolcentrales om winter door te come

Beeld van 2019 van de bruinkoolmijn van Hambach.
Beeld van 2019 van de bruinkoolmijn van Hambach. © Oliver Berg/dpa

Image from 2020. Two German agents were born in a boom hat made by activists in the bos of Hambach.
Image from 2020. Two German agents were born in a boom hat made by activists in the bos of Hambach. © David Young/dpa
