LIVE ISRAEL. Iran: “Israel has crossed the red line” – Israeli army once again calls on Gaza residents to move south | Instagram VTM NEWS


Iran: “Israel has crossed the red line”

Israel has one red line crossed with the continued attacks in the Gaza Strip. Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said this in an interview with the Arabic news channel Al-Jazeera.

In the interview, which was broadcast on Saturday evening, Raisi speaks of “humanitarian and military crimes” by Israel, which “could force anyone to act.”

Iran is so far not directly involved in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, although it does support the Hezbollahmilitia active in Lebanon and where the conflict with Israel has flared up in recent weeks, spurred by the terror of the Palestinian extremist movement Hamas in Israel and the subsequent Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip.

Iran already has Israel and its ally the United States threatened several times and the country’s religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praised Hamas’ attack.

Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi. © AP


Israeli army once again calls on Gaza residents to move south

The Israeli army calls the Palestinians into the Gaza Strip to move again to the south of the enclave. Humanitarian aid from Egypt and the United States will increase, it says.

According to the Israeli army, it is south of the Gaza Strip safer and water, food and medication will be available. “Tomorrow (Sunday, ed.) Humanitarian efforts in Gaza will be increased by Egypt and the United States,” it said on Twitter.

Israel has already captured the residents of Gaza several times urged to move south, because Israeli military operations against the extremist Palestinian movement Hamas are mainly concentrated in the north of the Gaza Strip. However, it is for the population not evident to get around: Gaza is very densely populated and many people have no means of transportation. Moreover, the fuel supply cut off by Israel.

Palestinians queue to collect water in the south of the Gaza Strip.
Palestinians queue to collect water in the south of the Gaza Strip. © AFP


Defense Minister Saudi Arabia to US for war talks

The Saudi Minister of Defense visits the American capital Washington on Monday for talks with the Biden administration about the war between Israel and the militant group Hamas. This threatens to degenerate into a larger conflict in the region.

Minister Khalid bin Salman, the brother of Crown Prince Mohammed, will speak with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, according to insiders. News of the meeting was announced by the news site Axios.

Saudi Arabia has the relationship with Israel not yet normalized. There were discussions about that, but they are according to reports frozen after the outbreak of war between Israel and Hamas.


Internet and telephone connections again in Gaza Strip

The communications links in the Gaza Strip “are gradually restored”. This is what the Palestinian telecom company Paltel said on X, the former Twitter. It concerns both the internet access, as well as landline telephone lines and the mobile network.

On Friday, communication links in the Gaza Strip were lost after heavy Israeli bombings. Paltel talks about “damage to the internal network infrastructure“. The repairs are progressing”under challenging circumstances“.

Earlier, Netblocks, a British organization that monitors access to the internet worldwide, had already indicated on X that the internet connection was restarting. “Real-time network data shows internet connectivity is being restored in the Gaza Strip”it said.

An employee of the AFP news agency in Gaza City also confirmed that he had access to the internet and mobile network.

As a result of the interruption of internet and telephone connections, some 2.2 million people in the Gaza Strip were unable to access their homes not communicate with their loved ones outside or elsewhere within the besieged area. Several NGOs and UN agencies had lost contact with their staff on the ground.


Doctors Without Borders believes the international community’s response is “too weak and too slow”

The international community’s response to the bloodshed in the Gaza Strip is “too weak and too slow”. That’s annoying Doctors Without Borders (MSF)which are calls for one immediate ceasefire repeats.

“The Israeli forces have stopped bombing since Friday increased in an unprecedented way“, says MSF. “The north of Gaza is becoming reduced to rubblewhile the entire strip is affected and citizens have no place to shelter.”

The NGO talks about “horror on a scale never before seen in Gaza“. While the hospitals in the region “overwhelmed“injuries, the total loss of communications in the Gaza Strip make humanitarian and medical coordination difficult and there is insufficient water and fuel for power supply.

According to MSF, the international community must “take stronger action” and urging Israel to stop the bloodshed. “Helpless people are subjected to terrible bombings. Families have nowhere to run or hide as hell is unleashed upon them. We need a ceasefire now,” says MSF President Christos Christou.Water, food, fuel, medical supplies and humanitarian aid in Gaza need urgent repairs.”


Red Cross: “World should not tolerate situation in Gaza”

People in the Gaza Strip have to regain access to medical care, water and electricity. It calls for that International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) on Sunday. “This is a catastrophic failure that the world should not tolerate,” said President Mirjana Spoljaric.

The ICRC calls for one de-escalation between Israel and the Palestinian extremist movement Hamas in the Gaza Strip. In the Palestinian territory, critical services such as: healthcare and water and electricity be repaired “immediately”. Saving lives must be the “priority“, it says.

“I’m shocked by it unbearable level of human suffering and call on the parties to the conflict to de-escalate now. The tragic loss of so many citizens is regrettable. It is unacceptable that there is no safe place for civilians in Gaza, amid the massive bombing, and with a military siege currently in place no adequate humanitarian response possible” says Spoljaric. “This is a catastrophic failure that the world must not tolerate.”

The ICRC also calls on Hamas again to immediately release all Israeli hostages and says he wants to facilitate this.


Relatives of Israeli hostages demand prisoner exchange

Representatives of relatives of Israelis held hostage by Hamas held a meeting on Saturday met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. They pushed for an exchange with Palestinian prisoners in Israeli cells.

During a press conference afterwards, Netanyahu emphasized that a prisoner swap was being discussed. The government leader did not want to provide detailsbecause disclosing it would not contribute to achieving a result.

In 2011 Israel and Hamas previously organized a prisoner exchange. Then the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit released after five years of captivity by Hamas in exchange for more than 1,000 Palestinians in Israeli cells. Sinwar among them.



Netanyahu: “War will be long and difficult”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he is exploring “every option” to secure the release of more than 220 hostages in the Gaza Strip. They were brought to this area by Palestinian militants on October 7 and have been detained ever since.

The Israeli Prime Minister met today with representatives of the hostages’ relatives. They demanded text and explanation from him about how the government plans to free them. Netanyahu made no commitments on a swap deal, but told the families that authorities would “exhaust every option to bring them home.”

Earlier today, Hamas announced its willingness to hand over all hostages in exchange for the release of all Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

Netanyahu expects the war in the Gaza Strip to be “long and difficult.” Israeli ground forces crossed the border on Friday and have now been active in the Palestinian territory for more than 24 hours. “The war in the Gaza Strip will be long and difficult and we are prepared for it.”



Josep Borell: “Far too many civilians have been killed”

According to the High Representative of European Foreign Policy Josep Borrell, Israel is violating international law with its attacks in the fight against the Palestinian organization Hamas.

“Gaza is completely locked down and isolated while the heavy shelling continues,” Borrell wrote on X, formerly Twitter, on Saturday. “Far too many civilians, including children, have been killed. This is a violation of international humanitarian law,” he said, among other things.

Borrell further called again for a “pause” in fighting to allow humanitarian access. “We condemn all attacks on civilians, including the continued and indiscriminate rocket attacks on Israel, and we call for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages,” it concluded.

The UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) also previously warned about the hopeless situation of the people in Gaza, who are without electricity, food and water.


Israel recalls diplomats from Turkey

After “tough statements” by Turkey, Israel has been diplomatic representatives were recalled from the country. Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen also wrote on X, formerly Twitter, on Saturday that his country will reevaluate relations with Turkey.

In recent weeks, Turkey has repeatedly criticized Israel’s actions in the Gaza Strip. On Saturday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared at a pro-Palestinian demonstration in Istanbul that Israel is merely “a pawn” in the region that will be sacrificed “when the day comes.” He accused Israel of “committing war crimes” and at the same time accused Western governments of being responsible for the “massacres” in Gaza.

Erdogan previously canceled plans to visit Israel and called members of the extremist Palestinian group Hamas “freedom fighters” instead of the term ‘terrorists’ used by Israel.

Turkey and Israel had strengthened ties in recent years. Last year, the two countries decided to allow each other’s ambassadors again, after they were recalled in 2018 following a dispute.


Roger Housen: “Israel is making Hamas blind and deaf, but it hopes that Hamas will respond anyway”

Why did Israel wait so long to launch ground operations and heavy bombing? Is this now the start of the big offensive? How will Hamas respond? And what is the role of the United States in this conflict? Former colonel and defense expert Roger Housen makes a major analysis of the Israel-Palestine conflict.

Read the full analysis here.
