Yastremska: “Two nights in the shelter, then the escape from the war without parents”

The former number twenty-one in the world forced to leave her mother and father behind to flee Ukraine with her 15-year-old sister

It is heartbreaking what we read in the latest post by Dayana Yastremska, forced to leave her parents behind, as well as her country, to escape the horrors of war. The tennis player, current number 120 in the world rankings, was in Odessa when the conflict between Russia and Ukraine broke out and after spending two nights in an underground parking lot, to shelter from the bombs, her parents decided to remove her and her sister Ivana. from the country.

The story

“After spending two nights in the shelter, my parents decided at all costs to send my little sister and me out of Ukraine!” Explains the player who crossed the border into Romania with her 15-year-old sister. “Mom, Dad, we love you so much, take care of you! I love my country! Ukrainians will take care of your lives ”. In the latest social updates, the two girls show signs of fatigue and worry on their faces but reassure their followers about their arrival in France: “We are tired but safe”.

Reception and resistance

There are many civilians fleeing the bombings, just like the Yastremska sisters. During the night, Romania and Poland opened their borders to welcome refugees who crossed the border. Kilometers long queues have been created, and a new wave of arrivals is expected during the day. Meanwhile, the situation in Kiev remains dire. Ukrainian President Zelensky appealed to the people not to lay down their arms pending aid from partners, including European ones. The number 15 Wta, Elina Svitolina, makes her support felt on Twitter: “It’s 48 critical hours #StandForUkraine”.
