Belgian energy and climate plan is not yet available to Europe Inland

The European countries need an updated version of India’s energy and climate plans for the period from 2021 to 2030, with the manner in which the CO2 emissions will be achieved. Europe mikt op een daling met 55 percent van de uitstoot. For Belgium this comes from a small amount of 47 percent. It has been around for a long time that the country has not been verdered, and there is a fee of 40 percent.

On the land had uitstel geregen dead in October, maar a vergadering tussen de cabinets of the betrokken ministers brought vrijdag geen soelaas.

“Vlaanderen gaat voluit voor -40 per cent tegen 2030, maar we gaan inderdaad the Ecolo-programma niet uitvoeren,” says Flemish Minister of Omgeving Zuhal Demir in a mededeling. “That didn’t change for a long time.”

Groen, federally based in Brussels, looks after the housing. “When Belgium doesn’t have enough climate control in Europe, it has great financial resources for the country. As Minister Demir wants to expand, the two generations in all the next generation should be told: for the billions of dollars and for the resulting climate crisis, which can be distorted. “Het is ongelooflijk cynisch dat dat de guilt zal zijn van een minister die dweept met haalbaar en betaalbaar,” states the party.
