Rolling Stones now have a No. 1 album in seven different decades

The Rolling Stones’ new album Hackney Diamondscame in first place on the Album Top 100. This means that the legendary British rock band now has a number 1 album in the Netherlands in seven different decades.

In 1969 the Stones had met Let it Bleed their first album to top the chart and they went on to have four No. 1 albums in the 1970s, five in the 1980s, one in each of the 1990s and the Zeroes, and two in the previous decade.

Hackney Diamonds supersedes the new album DNA by Danny Vera took first place and is described by NRC reviewer Frank Provoost as “as raw and restless as in their glory days”.

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There is no other band or artist with such a long line of successful albums. Madonna and U2 follow at a reasonable distance with number 1 rankings in five different decades.

Hackney Diamonds is the Rolling Stones’ first album with new material in eighteen years. Singer Mick Jagger “a little regrets” that it took so long, even though he has continued to write with guitarist and co-singer Keith Richards. “I should have taken the lead,” Jagger said last week The Guardian. “Keith kept saying in interviews that we would make an album when I was ready.”

With single songs, the Stones, founded in 1962, are a lot less successful in the Netherlands. They have only had five singles at the top of the Top 40: ‘(I can’t get no) Satisfaction’, ‘Paint it Black’, ‘We Love You’, ‘Brown Sugar’ and ‘Angie’.
