Sixth place for northern students in the World Solar Challenge

A team of students from Drenthe, Groningen and Friesland came sixth in the World Solar Challenge, a prestigious race for cars that run on solar energy.

The World Solar Challenge is considered the world solar racing championship and is held every two years in Australia. This year, thirty teams participated, including the Northern Netherlands Top Dutch Solar Racing team. The race started in the city of Darwin in northern Australia and headed south, straight through the vast, barely inhabited and very dry interior of Australia. The finish was more than 3,000 kilometers away in the southern city of Adelaide.

The team of Delft students, the Brunel Solar Team, finished in third place. The student team from Twente came second. The Solar Team Twente crossed the finish line in Adelaide, twenty minutes after the winning team from Leuven, Belgium.

The last Dutch victory, from Delft, was in 2017.
