FC Bayern | Makaay on Kane: “Such a player was missing last year”

Roy Makaay was once responsible for the goals at FC Bayern, today record purchaser Harry Kane does the snapping job. After his tough transfer to the German industry leader, the Englishman quickly made himself indispensable. No wonder that his Munich predecessor is raved about.

“Bayern was missing a player like that last year. You can immediately see what a difference he makes!” emphasized Makaay, who hunted for goals for the record champions between 2003 and 2007, in an interview with “Münchner Merkur” and “tz”. .

After eleven appearances for his new employer, Kane has ten goals and five assists – an outstanding rate that also shows that the 30-year-old is a real team player.

Makaay said: “In the end, the most important task of a striker is to score goals. That worked pretty well in my time. Harry Kane also always scored at least 20 goals at Tottenham for years, often even more. He will do the same at FC Bayern do – and that’s what matters. Everything else you have to adapt to the opponent.”

One advantage of the veteran is his enormous versatility: “In Copenhagen he was right up front, against Leipzig he often dropped into midfield. There he can exploit his qualities that made him strong at Tottenham: just like him combined with Heung-min Son back then, he will put Sané, Gnabry or Coman in the spotlight.”

FC Bayern: “Situation certainly not easy” for Harry Kane

However, it took some time in the summer before Kane finally landed at FC Bayern. Tottenham Hotspur rejected several offers from Munich before they finally agreed on a transfer fee of between 95 and 100 million euros.

“The situation was certainly not easy for Kane either: you want to get used to the team as quickly as possible, but there is a game every three days. He also just became a father, so there is a lot to do in his private life too. But these days everyone is talking English, that helps you get used to it,” noted Makaay.
