Dutchman (55) shot and killed in Ecuador: second suspect arrested, false identity used | Abroad

Suspicious number two, Carlos Efraín Acosta Betancourt, ran into the lamp during a routine check. Officers asked a motorcyclist for his papers. The man handed over an ID in the name of Carlos Xavier Quezada Acosta, but a check in the police computer showed that the person with that name had been reported dead, police chief Víctor Zárate said earlier this week.

Through a check of the motorcyclist’s biometric personal data (fingerprints), the police were able to determine the real identity of the man. When it turned out that he was wanted for involvement in the shooting of a 55-year-old man from Amstelveen on January 19 in a bar near the lighthouse of Guayaquil, which is popular with tourists. The other suspect, Marcos Alexander Rosero Plúas (24), was already arrested in the night of 13 to 14 February. With the second arrest, both perpetrators of the crime are incarcerated, Zárate said.

A day after the murder of the Dutchman, the police already announced that they had identified the two suspects. According to the police, it concerned a drug user with a criminal record and an accomplice. Local media report, based on police sources, that it was Marcos Rosero alias Chucky and Carlos Acosta. The former has been arrested repeatedly in recent years and has been brought to court several times, including for theft and drug trafficking

The two men entered a bar called El Faro del Cerro about 9 p.m. on Wednesday, January 19. The catering facility is located next to the 355th step of the 444-step staircase to the lighthouse. Under threat of a firearm, the duo forced the handful of customers to hand over their mobile phones and wallets, a local resident who wants to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals told the newspaper. express.

According to the local resident, the Dutchman resisted. “As they approached the table where he was sitting with his girlfriend, the man got up and threw his girlfriend’s wallet elsewhere. That is why he would have been shot,” said the witness. The victim’s girlfriend confirmed this version in an initial statement to the police, according to the newspaper.

That friend was an Ecuadorian living in Germany with whom the 55-year-old man from Amstelveen flew to her home country to get to know each other, local media reported citing police sources. The two had just ordered drinks when the robbers entered.

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