Thousands of people demonstrate in Barcelona under the slogan ‘Let’s stop the genocide in Palestine’

Thousands of people -19,000, according to the Urban Guard, and 70,000, according to the organizers- have been manifested this Saturday afternoon in Barcelona to dstate Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

Under the slogan ‘We stop the genocide in Palestine’, the mobilization has gone from Jardinets de Gràcia to Passeig de Gràcia with Gran Via, where speeches have been given. During the march, chants such as “Israel murders, Europe sponsors” or “boycott Israel” were heard.

In addition, several Palestinian flags could be seen. Many of the attendees have shown signs with messages that they denounce the role of the European Union and the different states before the war.

300 affiliated entities

The co-president of the Catalan Association of Jueus and Palestins – Junts, Laurent Cohen, celebrated that “300 entities of Catalan civil society” have joined the demonstration. They have shown their solidarity with the “Palestinian people who suffer 75 years of continuous colonization and 18 years of an illegal siege in Gaza.”

The co-founder of the Palestinian Community of Catalonia, Salah Jamal, has insisted that the violence did not begin on October 7, because “there is a military occupation and humiliation of a people that lasts 75 years.” He has also defended that the Palestinian people “are the occupied people, they are the ones who really have the right to defend themselves.”

Claims to institutions

The member of the entity Prou ​​Complicitat amb Israel Alys Samson has warned this Saturday that the Palestinians in Gaza without access to drinking water or food “They will die bombed, from thirst or from hunger“.

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He has asked “the EU and the Spanish State to demand that Israel immediate ceasefire“, during the demonstration of entities in Barcelona under the slogan ‘Let’s stop the genocide in Palestine’.

He has also demanded that the Generalitat “stop considering Israel as a strategic region”, and that Barcelona City Council suspend its twinning with Tel Aviv.
