‘Rob Kemps taunts ex-lover, just stop provoking!’

Rob Kemps should immediately stop taunting his ex-lover and his provocative behavior, according to the duo from The Juice Show. “Why now, Robje? I do not understand!”

© Instagram

It’s unbelievable how much attention some celebrities need: every fart that Rob Kemps and his new sweetheart Stephanie Klaver make ends up on Instagram. And there are quite a few. But does he even think about the family he abandoned? “With you everything is different, better, nicer and more beautiful,” Rob sneers in one of the photos.

Not a nice guy

That text from Rob is of course a direct insult to his ex-lover, with whom he has two children. That went down so badly with his followers that he was flooded with negative reactions. At one point he even decided to close the comments section. Only Tim Hofman congratulates him: “Nice, happy for you!”

Yvonne Coldeweijer has turned off so much towards Rob over the past year, she says in her podcast The Juice Show. “At first I thought he was a pretty nice guy. Yes, indeed… You totally remind me. I liked him a lot, yes. My mother too. After The Smartest. I thought: a nice, sincere guy. But what he is doing now…”

Provocative behavior

It’s like throwing up, Yvonne thinks. “What is he provoking? Why is he doing that, provoking? Do you know?”, she asks her co-host Mark Koster.

Media journalist Mark then: “Will that girl make him do that?”

Yvonne: “I think so, because he posts a photo of them together. Okay, they’ve been doing that for a while. I would say: now we know, put a heart next to it. Add: ‘It was a pleasant evening.’ But what does he add? ‘Everything with you is more fun. More fantastic. More awesome.” Well, let me put it this way: at least there is ‘er’ behind everything.”

Hard sneer

In other words, Yvonne continues: “A sneer. Yeah, that’s not fun. Like, you know… You’ve already abandoned your ex and your kids. Why do you have to rub it in that it’s more fun now than it was then? You don’t do that, do you? Why is he provoking this? Does he want attention or something? Why is he doing this? Just add a heart.”

According to her, you can also keep it discreet. “Just add: ‘It was fun.’ Or ‘with my topper’ or something like that. Or ‘top girlfriend’. I do not know. But you don’t have to say it’s ‘more fun’ than what you had before. Don’t you find that provocative?”

“He’s taunting her!”

Mark agrees. “You shouldn’t provoke an ex. Why does he do that? Because he also provokes this woman. And things won’t get better for those kids if you do that. I then think: don’t do that. That woman would also think: yes, then you will see those children even less. Why now, Robje?”

Yvonne: “That this happened… Yes, we brought that up. We are a few months further. Why do you say that it is more fun? I don’t understand that and then I think: is she that kind of person, that girl? Is she such an insecure girl? Our background dancer…”
