Residents around Emmaschool in Assen do not like renovation: procedures are in the offing

A final 10 million euros will be provided from the Asser municipal treasury for the renovation and expansion of the outdated Emma school. A council majority tonight definitively approved the credit for renewal of the child center with primary education, childcare and after-school care. Local residents who do not like the plans are in the starting blocks for legal proceedings.

They have difficulty with the massive construction in their neighborhood. They are afraid of extra traffic and damage to their peace and privacy, because high-rise buildings are also being built near the monumental school building. They are also disappointed that they were not involved in the planning process in a timely manner. When they were heard, nothing was done with their criticism, that is their accusation. “It’s about our neighborhood.”

But for most council factions, the protest from the neighborhood was no reason to keep their hands tight. Only the CDA and Lijst De Rijke voted against the 10 million. However, there was strong criticism of the lack of participation in the new construction plans.

City party PLOP, ChristenUnie, SP, CDA, GroenLinks and Lijst De Rijke all criticized the way in which local residents were informed too late about the building plans in their neighborhood. And as soon as they were allowed to participate, after they raised the alarm this spring out of dissatisfaction, too little was done with their criticism. Groups concluded this from letters and emails they received from local residents.

“There is a very poor information and participation process, leaving the neighborhood in confusion and bewilderment,” says faction leader Henk Santing of the PLOP City Party. “Residents will then take different paths, and that does not make us happy. There are only losers here.” According to politicians, ‘participation is more than information’. “The way in which the interests of local residents have been dealt with is far below standard,” is the accusation from the parties.

Nevertheless, an overwhelming majority (28 votes in favor, 2 against) agrees to the financing of the multi-million dollar renovation. This is necessary because the historic school building on Prinses Irenestraat is very outdated. The main location is also too small for teaching 310 students, plus child care and after-school care, which the Emma School wants to concentrate in one place as an integrated child center. Other public schools preceded the Emmaschool in this regard.

Now childcare and after-school care are located in the De Zonnebloem school building opposite. That building is being demolished. A green playground and parking spaces will be created in its place. Public education organization Plateau is responsible for the construction plans.

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