Blues festival expansion plans, Grolloo is catching up

The organizer of the festival in Grolloo does not rule out that more visitors will be needed in the future to keep the event profitable. “We are dealing with all kinds of uncertain costs, such as those for energy,” says the Mojo spokesperson. “It is very conceivable that we will have to grow, we are thinking of possibly 25,000 visitors per day, now there are still 14,000.”

Dorpsbelangen Grolloo said in a response that it is not so quick to be alarmed, not even by Mojo’s plans for the future of the Holland International Blues Festival. The villagers have been informed by Mojo by letter and invited to the meeting tonight in Café Hofsteenge to discuss the plans. “We have not officially taken a position yet,” says Dick Oelen of Dorpsbelangen Grolloo. “We first want to know what the residents of the village think about this and we will hear that tonight.”

The municipal executive of the municipality of Aa en Hunze previously announced that it was positive about Mojo’s request for the expansion of the blues festival. But the municipality does believe that the organizer should consult properly with the villagers about this. ‘Given the size of the plan and the impact on the environment, the council has indicated that careful participation must take place. The village of Grolloo must be properly informed and involved in the plan intentions,” can be read in a letter from the council to the municipal council.
