What’s the weather like in 2023, first episode on NOVE: guests and cast

TAmong the many television debuts is that of What the weather is like in 2023 is among the most anticipated, if not the most anticipated. The new adventure, after leaving Rai, starts again tonight at 8pm on NOVE with the first episode. Anticipated by What a weather it will be (at 7.30pm) and followed by The table (at 10.20pm), but above all on the air simultaneously also on Giallo, Food Network, DMAX and Motor Trend.

Fabio Fazio, the (forced) farewell to Rai after 40 years: «There are no men for all seasons»

What the weather is like in 2023the guests of the first episode: Liliana Segre arrives, Patrick Zaki leaves

The format does not undergo changes. So, the alternation of interviews and comic moments continues, always focusing on current affairs. Among the guests who sit in the new studio two characters called to comment on what is happening in the world: Liliana Segre and Andriy Shevchenko.

Segre is a known presence of What’s the weather like. Shevchenko, a former footballer and coach, was recently appointed advisor to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyj.

In recent days, the presence of Patrick Zaki was also announced, but then postponed due to some posts by the former Egyptian university student regarding Hamas’ recent attack on Israel. «Given the events, we changed the episode. We will host Zaki as soon as possible”declared Fazio al Corriere della Sera. “I am not with Hamas,” Zaki wrote on Twitter«but it would seem that taking the position of defending Palestinian civilians will put you in a problematic situation, especially since all the international media is pro-Israel and they don’t talk about the serious humanitarian crisis on the other side. My priority will always be the lives of civilians.”

Fabio Fazio, Luciana Littizzetto and Filippa Lagerback at the presentation of the Discovery schedules. (Getty Images)

The return of Luciana Littizzetto and Filippa Lagerback

For this new adventure, after almost 40 years in Rai, Fazio wanted alongside him the colleagues who have supported him for several years. So Luciana Littizzetto and Filippa Lagerback return. As always, Littizzetto is entrusted with the comic page. A space in which he comments on the events of the week together with the host and which ends with a little letter addressed to politicians or important personalities. Obviously on the edge of irony and irreverence. Littizzetto is also in the cast of Yes, it’s worth itbroadcast on Saturday evenings on Canale 5.

Another certainty of the program is Filippa Lagerback. In the cast since 2005, she is entrusted with the task of introducing the guests who come into the studio. Although her role is limited, she was able to win over the public and today she is an indispensable member of the trio.

What’s the weather like – The tablefrom Nino Frassica to Simona Ventura

It is certainly among the most successful innovations of recent years The table Of What’s the weather like. A fun space on the sidelines, where fun and joviality reign supreme. Every week, personalities from entertainment, sport and more take turns, as well as fixed cast, who accompanies Fazio episode after episode.

Among all, Nino Frassica stands out. With his surreal comedy, he is able to create hilarious skits even with just one joke. The actor also wears the clothes of the director of Nice news, an imaginary weekly magazine with which he mocks the press and the protagonists of current affairs. He’s not the only one to return: Mara Maionchi arrives. With his extemporaneous and colorful jokes, he won over viewers, who also find them again Francesco Paolantoni, Ubaldo Pantani and Mrs. Coriandoli (Maurizio Ferrini).

Last but not least, Simona Ventura. It was Fazio who announced his return on social media. For Ventura this is a golden moment: in addition to Intercom Rai 2on Saturday 21 October he debuts in the cast of Dancing with the Stars 2023.

