Ex-Eintracht Frankfurt: FC Watford confirms Ben Manga’s exit

Quote from Erste_Liga

Quote from Neuehaaner

Quote from Erste_Liga

Reschke, Mislintat, Ben Manga… They were all considered eagle-eyed, deep-sea divers, etc… things always went great with the main clubs and after the change there were problems. The main clubs continued to be successful even without them. Maybe sometimes modesty would be the better alternative, but if you don’t risk anything, you can’t go wrong. The early release kind of surprised me. Wish Ben Manga much success for the future.

All three of your examples remind me of the Peter Principle. (“In a hierarchy, each employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.”)

My tip to BenManga would be to concentrate on what he does best: Find good players for little money and get them excited about your club. Sounds simple, but it’s extremely difficult. And he is certainly world class at that.
I’m curious to see whether he sees it that way or whether he’ll try it again in the front line. I definitely wish him good luck with it. We Frankfurters have a lot to thank him for…

Kind regards, Neuehaaner

I never even thought of the Peter Principle, but Raymond Hull is one of my favorite authors. You summed it up very well, even with Ben Manga. Kind regards back. EL

So I don’t want to presume to judge the suitability of Manga or Mislintat as technical directors. I can not. Logical thought, of course: Outstanding scout promoted to a role that doesn’t match his strengths. But is that really the case? Also in the case of manga?
I recommend reading this:
The foundation of sporting success is good scouting. And I would think that someone like Ben Manga would know how to do something like that. He knows it from the ground up. And he should and wanted to establish that in Watford with Helena Costa and the scouting team. I don’t believe that he wouldn’t know how to do something like that, which is what matters. Whether his scouts have as much of an eye as he does is another matter. Helena Costa definitely doesn’t have a bad eye.
The fact that Watford is handing over tasks regarding the transfer of Manga and Ismaël seems obscure to me and not very productive. On the other hand, when I look at the summer transfers, I also ask myself: Which of them looks like Manga, Costa and the two scouts they brought with them?!?

All quite strange.

Overall: Maybe clubs should simply show more financial appreciation for brilliant scouts, who are at least as important as technical directors but probably earn much less. Hey, how naked and awkward did a Bobic stand in Berlin without Manga and his scouting department? A technical director without good scouting behind him is of little value.

@First League “Reschke, Mislintat, Ben Manga… They were all considered eagle-eyed, deep-sea divers, etc… things always went great with the main clubs and after the change there were problems. The main clubs continued to be successful even without them.”
That’s a rumor. It is not yet clear at all that Frankfurt’s transfers will keep Eintracht at this level this summer. I don’t see that happening yet, I have to say. Ndicka, Kamada, Lindström, Kolo Muani and whatever the manga transfers were called – that was great. It is currently questionable whether this can be continued at this level.
Likewise, Stuttgart’s squad is Mislintat’s work. Whether you think that’s a good thing or not. Guirassy, ​​Millot, Anton, Silas, Ito, Führich, before that Sosa, Endo, Mavropanos, Kalajdzic. That was mischief. You are currently benefiting from his transfers as sports director at VfB. Under Matarazzo this hasn’t been brought to the pitch yet, but from Hoeneß onwards things went great with the Mislintat squad.

On the surface, you might think that Manga and Mislintat should simply have remained chief scouts and that they are no good as sports/technical directors. Mislintat proves the opposite if you ask me. Great transfers at VfB.

And about Manga just read the interview. I absolutely believe he can establish successful scouting if you let him. That he can teach scouts what’s important. And hey, as technical director or sports director he would at least have the final eye on it.
But of course, it’s a shame when such an outstanding scout no longer wants to constantly sight himself. A loss, for sure. But for someone that good to remain a scout, the position would probably have to be upgraded a lot, at least monetarily. Hey, he was more important than Bobic, for sure. And certainly not nearly as well paid. Plus, he might not want to spend his entire career just sitting on a plane.
