This top handball player also has a tough job among seriously ill people

As a ward doctor at the Netherlands Cancer Institute, he experiences intense things. In addition to his job, Ephrahim Jerry (27) from Eindhoven is a top handball player. “If something really bad has happened to a patient, I sometimes find it difficult to throw a ball for fun in the evening. But handball can also be a great outlet.”

Ephrahim knew at the age of 12 that he wanted to become a doctor. After high school, the Eindhove resident chose to study Medicine and graduated in 2021. However, his social career has been on the back burner for the past two years.

“I played professional handball in Switzerland and France. A culture shock compared to my previous clubs in the Netherlands and Belgium. Every training was as intensive as a match. We watched video analysis for an hour every day, it was taken very seriously. Afternoon naps had become routine.”

He seriously considered continuing as a professional for a year. “It was fantastic to experience. However, my mind said that I am a doctor and I want to help people. That is why I decided to return to the Netherlands, where I found a top club with KRAS/Volendam. There are three prizes to be won this season and we have to win at least two of them. I like to take up the challenge.”

The orange of Volendam suits him well, but what about that other orange shirt? “I have played 49 international matches and experienced great things with the national team. I haven’t been there for a year now and I don’t expect them to be waiting for Jerry anymore. Orange has brought me a lot, I think that’s a good thing.”

“Care can be very intense, especially with us.”

In addition to top handball, Ephrahim has many responsibilities at his work at the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek in Amsterdam. As a ward doctor, he cares for patients before and after the operation and sometimes he assists the surgeon. “The care can be very intense, especially in our hospital where everyone is dealing with cancer.”

As a qualified medical doctor within healthcare, he is still on a journey of discovery and wants to specialize soon. “I have an idea of ​​which direction I want to go. I find general surgery interesting, as does oncology where you work with cancer patients. The third option is plastic surgery. Then you should not think about larger breasts or thicker lips, but about reconstructions after surgery. Once I have made my choice, I will apply for one of the rare training positions.”

“The combination of work and top sport is tough.”

Whether in the hospital or among his teammates in the hall, Ephrahim demands the utmost from himself. “Sometimes I honestly wonder if I can keep this up. It was also busy during my medical studies, but now as a ward doctor I have many responsibilities. The combination of work and top sport is tough, but I’m really enjoying it. I look at what is feasible every year.”

Whether he is still a Brabander after several years abroad and now with Amsterdam as his place of residence? “If I can, I drive back to Eindhoven with screeching tires. I am and remain a true Brabander, and a PSV fan of course. If I can do something for the PSV handball players in the future, that would be great.”

Ephrahim Jerry in the shirt of KRAS/Volendam against KEMBIT-Lions.  (Photo: Henk Seppen/Orange Pictures)
Ephrahim Jerry in the shirt of KRAS/Volendam against KEMBIT-Lions. (Photo: Henk Seppen/Orange Pictures)
