Pro-Russian cyberaanval op websites van Kamer, Senaat, Belgian Monarchy en premier De Croo | Instagram VTM NEWS

KIJK. De Croo: “We stubbornly want to have 2025 F-16s as regering go eft”

“The Belgian authorities are relying on the various F-16 aircraft to be stubborn, but not for long-term training for the French pilots. “Ok kondigde België aan om 1.7 miljard euro aan de Oekraïense neonazi’s te geven,” he says in a report from the Russian hackers. “Differently punishes the other degenerates who are not ready to learn anything.”

Volgens the Center for Cybersecurity (CCB) has a DDoS application, and a network of computers and servers will put a strain on the network. “It is intended in a manner from Belgium op de Zenuwen te works en om a politiek statement te maken,” said tech expert Kenneth Dée.

The Russian hackers group NoName057(16), which is located on the eighth floor of the country, regularly operates from the wind in front of the western stone in the Oekraïne. In June, the pro-Russian group took part in the websites of the Netherlands in response to the Netherlands from the two tanks in the Netherlands.
