Juve, like Fagioli, is living the moment

The midfielder has been cooperating with the investigation since August 30, so he has had time to prepare for the inevitable media wave that hit him. And he continues to train regularly

Giovanni Albanese

Premise: the media wave and the awareness of the facts have very different times. Nicolò Fagioli is currently at the center of the scene for the betting case that puts him at risk of disqualification, the facts – and the countermeasures taken at the right time – date back to last summer. The player reported himself to the Prosecutor’s Office of the Football Federation on 30 August, which is why he is now calm and tries to live the moment without too many distractions. The class of 2001 trains at Continassa regularly: he is among the few who remained in Turin during this break for the national teams.


Fagioli ended up on the list of suspects of the Turin Prosecutor’s Office last summer, when the public prosecutor Manuela Pedrotta gave the go-ahead to clarify a round of betting (sports and otherwise) on illegal online platforms. The moment the midfielder learned of the investigation, he decided to immediately inform the Federal Prosecutor’s Office through his lawyers. An act of responsibility that could have a bearing on the development of sports justice assessments, which will have to verify above all whether the player has bet on football: he would not be allowed to do so, according to article 24 of the Sports Code.


The midfielder had prepared himself for the impact of the media wave, which arrived later but punctually. He knew that he would end up at the center of attention sooner or later, but having already clarified his position to the ordinary and sporting judicial authorities puts him in a situation of serenity. During these hours, Nicolò continues his daily activity as always, remaining focused on the field. After taking part in the celebrations for the centenary of the Agnelli family as head of Juventus, the midfielder regularly showed up at Continassa and trained under the orders of Max Allegri and his collaborators.


The matter is delicate and risks weighing him down quite a bit. But he has already had the opportunity and time to become aware of the situation, and has also shown a strong sense of responsibility in remedying the issue. Nicolò arrived at Juve at a very young age: he grew up between Vinovo and Continassa, here he finds himself in a comfort zone where he knows he can count on everyone’s moral support. The club is waiting to fully understand how the investigations will evolve, but from a human point of view it has already shown the necessary closeness.


Having just recovered from a shoulder injury that limited him in the first phase of summer training, Fagioli has been living with this off-field affair since the start of the season. Allegri had to manage him a bit, often alternating him with Miretti and in any case giving him less responsibility than last year. Just twelve months ago, from the end of October onwards, Nicolò had become a starter for Juve, at least until the injury that forced him to end the season a few days early. Off the pitch, there is a 22-year-old boy who is sometimes introverted but always strongly linked to the dream of becoming a top player in his role.


Nicolò doesn’t drive, he travels with a driver-friend who accompanies him to training. A few evenings in the center of Turin, but within the times and spaces allowed by his activity as a footballer, never an off-field controversy that could have called into question his professionalism and his maximum commitment along his growth path. The closure of the investigation into the online betting case will clarify the boy’s actual involvement in the affair and the possible consequences he will face: he could receive a huge disqualification, but for now this does not distract him from wanting to be ready for the next matches .
