Garcia-Napoli, no divorce |

No agreement with Antonio: “I’m staying still and enjoying my family”. The president announces to the big names that he is moving forward with Rudi. And from today he will be in Castel Volturno to support the team

Vincenzo D’Angelo

Much ado about nothing. Or rather, to return to the starting point. No turnaround, no Neapolitan revolution: Napoli moves forward with Rudi Garcia, despite the no-confidence vote received publicly on Tuesday morning. Aurelio De Laurentiis tried in every way to convince Antonio Conte to accept the new position as Napoli coach: yesterday the president and coach spoke several times, they tried to think about the possibility of finding a solution that would satisfy all parties. But in the end the knot wasn’t untied, Conte didn’t feel like taking over and everyone went ahead with their own initial idea: De Laurentiis decided to give Garcia one last chance, to take charge of the team and prove up to the demands of the club and fans; Conte will continue to enjoy his family as he desired and as he also admitted on Tuesday evening at the celebration of Agnelli’s hundredth anniversary at the helm of Juventus. The “no” was neither due to an economic problem nor to a technical factor. The real enemy was the timing: the idea of ​​entering the race never appealed to Conte, who has loved shaping his team since retiring. But the temptation in Naples was strong.


It was the former coach who announced the end of the (secret) negotiations with a story on social media. The most direct way to silence all the rumors that for days linked him to the blue bench, even the most modern one to leave no more room for possible interpretations: «I hear insistent transfer rumors that link me to important benches, but I reiterate that for now there is only the will to continue to sit still and enjoy my family.” Is everyone happy? Who knows, certainly the Neapolitan people were expecting the turnaround that could bring a turning point to a hitherto anonymous season and De Laurentiis hoped to obtain a yes from Conte precisely because he saw in him the only possible solution for a Napoli still in possession of the Scudetto. But once Antonio’s no was received, the president took matters into his own hands, trying in his own way to shake up the team, effectively “commissioning” Garcia’s work, at least in the near future.


After a hectic day, De Laurentiis contacted the leaders of the Italian dressing room via video call in the late afternoon to formalize the choice to move forward with Garcia. But the technician’s confirmation was only the introduction of the speech. Aurelio asked his players to regroup, to help Napoli and Garcia get out of this spiral of negativity. In short, to give him a hand in this delicate moment. And he announced that from today he and the CEO. Andrea Chiavelli will be present in Castel Volturno for training, to stay close to the team and support the French coach in this new beginning. Practically, De Laurentiis holds out his hand to the coach the day after declaring that it was “a bad moment” with him and that “the only responsibility I have besides having chosen the coach is that I didn’t have the chance to be close to him ».

floor b in ICE BOX

We’ll see if the presence and presidential support will be enough to straighten out Napoli’s season, but in the meantime the trust for Garcia remains in time: against Verona, Union Berlin in the Champions League and Milan, De Laurentiis wants to see glimmers of the old Napoli and above all a new spirit. If there are positive signs, the president will wait for the next championship break – mid-November – to draw a definitive assessment and decide whether to restore unconditional trust in the French coach or this time really change, implementing plan B which for the moment has remained in the drawer and which foresees the arrival of Igor Tudor on the bench of the Italian champions.


So, for the moment, on with Garcia, who returned to Naples yesterday at lunchtime and was regularly on the pitch for the training session at 5pm. Upon arrival in Capodichino, the French coach met several fans but did not make any statements: he hid behind his sunglasses, with a body posture that nevertheless spoke well of the moment of difficulty. From today, therefore, he will find the president at the sports center to welcome him and support him, just as he did in the two retreats in Dimaro and Castel di Sangro. Back then, there were renewals and transfer sirens to distract the troops, today there is a ranking situation that no one likes, and a strange discontent in the city. After the scudetto, Napoli dreamed of reliving an exciting season but found themselves in a nightmare. Garcia has one last chance to try to turn the whistles into applause, otherwise it will be goodbye. And without any more second thoughts.
