Keith Richards is not interested in artificial intelligence in music

AI sound? Not with the Rolling Stones – they prefer it real.

With “Hackney Diamonds,” the Rolling Stones created a contemporary sound while still remaining true to themselves. As usual, the entire album was created by hand and recorded in real time. Computer support was also completely dispensed with, as the band recently emphasized in an interview.

“I really like it,” Keith told Richards “BBC”. “We made this album primarily for vinyl. It’s by far the best sound if you want to really listen to an album.” Of course, the 79-year-old is also aware of today’s standards and possibilities – but as the Rolling Stones they consciously forego them. “You can play around a lot digitally. For example with synthesizers. And now there is AI that is even more superficial and artificial. Vinyl gives you what’s real and I prefer to hear it that way.”

This is probably why Lady Gaga was invited to the studio. The singer dedicated herself to the blues gospel song “Sweet Sounds Of Heaven” together with Mick Jagger. “Lady Gaga has it,” said Richards. “I enjoy working with her because she has a great attitude and a great voice and I’ve always wanted to see her play against Mick. Stevie Wonder is also there, which only happens when you record in LA,” said the musician. The song sounds very improvised, probably because each artist should contribute as they wish. “He even stops and starts again.”

Rolling Stones: Tour planned for 2024

Fans of the Rolling Stones also have the opportunity to hear the new songs live as they were recorded. They are already planning a tour for 2024, “if everyone is still standing,” says Richards jokingly. “We are all in good shape. We don’t look at each other and say: ‘Time is up.’” According to the musician, they still have a lot of fun doing what they do.
