“You can laugh at her, but she’s bad!”

Sylvie Meis has once again been targeted in Today Inside, this time because she has hooked the wealthy multimillionaire Wim Beelen. “She is good, but very bad.”

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Without exception, Sylvie Meis’ lovers are always extremely rich men and not necessarily very handsome. This time she walks hand in hand with demolition millionaire Wim Beelen, not exactly a hunk but very rich. According to Johan Derksen, it is evident that this woman is simply a gold digger. He goes in Today Inside pretty loose on her.

Golden cock

Johan mentions the news. “There was also good news this weekend. I didn’t hear it on the good news show, but there was good news, because I am very happy for Sylvie Meis. She has hooked her umpteenth multi-millionaire, because Sylvie only spreads her legs on principle for a guy with a golden cock.”

Table guest Özcan Akyol: “Yes, and that’s why you also have a chance, because you also earn a million.”

Johan: “How do you know that? You don’t think I’m going to sit here for a million, do you? John de Mol would like that, yes.”


Wilfred Genee: “Wim Beelen, his name is, right? Growing up in waste and rubble, I am now a real estate entrepreneur.”

Johan: “That girl is terrible, isn’t she? Always behind that… She first checks what someone’s assets are before she goes to bed.”

Wilfred: “No, do you really think so?”

Johan: “Yes, I think so, yes. That’s a real bad guy.”

Wilfred: “Well, what is this again?”

René: “No!”

Bad guy

Johan stays there. “Yes, that’s a bad guy.”

René: “I think she’s a nice girl. Quite a nice girl. No, there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Johan: “I think it’s Barbie.”

René: “No, I don’t think that’s too bad. Beautiful woman, eh, Eusie? You understand it.”

Özcan: “She is a beautiful woman.”

Johan: “That girl’s character is no good.”

René: “Those Turks know that!”


Johan finds Estavana Polman a much more sympathetic person. “That Van der Vaart has a much nicer wife now, man. Yeah, man, a cool chick. First time hanging out with this jellyfish! Look, she looks nice and you can joke about that, but it’s worthless.”

René: “Well, I don’t think so, but…”

Sylvie’s new boyfriend (45) is only three years older than her. They are now both approaching fifty.
