Getting bread from the artisan baker may cost a little more time and money | Statement of the day

Many artisan bakers are disappearing from the streets. People would not have enough time to go around the block to the local bakery especially for their bread. Is artisan bread worth the extra effort?

According to baker’s wife Gea from Loppersum, bakers cannot keep up with time with their quality products. “If customers have time, they go to the bakery with their children. If they don’t have time, they load their cart at the supermarket and skip the bakery.

On the other hand, more and more supermarkets have ‘artisan bread’ on their shelves. Primal bread, or ‘Love & Passion’ bread, for example. Do you no longer have to go to the bakery for an extra tasty sandwich or do you still think it is worth the extra effort?

Respond to today’s statement below.
