Lupine Season 4: All information about the start, cast and plot

The third season of “Lupin” felt like an encore at times after season 2 had concluded a major story arc. Now the finale of season 3 is making you prick up your ears – are we going to get a sequel after all?

The French series “Lupin” has been a huge success for Netflix so far. If you look at the list of the most streamed content on the streaming service, you will find “Lupin” season 1 with 99.5 million views in 3rd place the non-English content. On the overall list, the relay would still be in 6th place, directly behind “Das Queen’s Gambit”. And season 2 is still in the top 10. In short: the charming master thief Assane Diop has apparently taken a shine to Netflix viewers. Nevertheless, season 3 was actually supposed to be the big finale of the series and was staged that way – until a letter to Assane changes everything. TECHBOOK collects all the facts and rumors about “Lupin” season 4 and assesses them.

When is “Lupine” season 4 coming?

Since we don’t even know whether there will be a sequel, there is of course no start date yet. In contrast to other series, it is actually difficult to guess when we could expect “Lupin” season 4.

Seasons 1 and 2 were largely shot in one go and then only released in two parts. However, the corona pandemic delayed filming and thus the start of season 2. The seasons were then released five months apart in 2021. “Lupin” season 3, on the other hand, took over two years to arrive. Since October 5, 2023, Netflix subscribers can finally see what Assane Diop himself stages as his last big coup.

And what does this mean for “Lupin” season 4? First of all, Netflix still has to officially give the green light. But since the writers’ strikes are over for now, we could ideally expect a sequel as early as fall 2024.

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That’s what the “Lupin” sequel could be about

As of now, nothing is known about the possible further action. But of course, last but not least, season 3 provides some approaches.

Here comes the trailer for season 3 again:

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Season 3 gives hints about a “new” villain

Attention, the following paragraph contains spoiler to the plot of the series so far! In “Lupin” Season 3, Assane actually wants to go into hiding for the sake of his family by faking his death. This seems to work at first, until his long-lost mother shows up, but she has been kidnapped. Assane is thereby blackmailed and has to master some breakneck actions.

In the season finale, however, he once again exposes his opponent. It’s Jean-Luc Keller, who wanted to set Assane on the wrong track when he was still young. He then spent 25 years in prison for this and planned his revenge there.

However, after defeating Jean-Luc, Assane finally goes to prison for the sake of his family. He actually settles down quite comfortably there until he receives a letter. This comes from his opponent Hubert Pellegrini. As a reminder: Pellegrini was the villain in seasons 1 and 2. He innocently took Assane’s father to prison for an insurance fraud and murdered him there. He also arranged for the kidnapping of Assane’s son Raoul. Now he seems to be sitting in the cell right next to Assane – and pursuing a master plan.

So is Pellegrini the new old villain in Lupine Season 4? The letter also suggests that he could be in cahoots with Assane’s mother – an exciting plot point for a sequel. Oh yes, Assane would of course have to break out of prison first…

Makers have plans for “Lupin” season 4

Arsène Lupine is also often referred to as the French Sherlock Holmes. Although the comparison is somewhat flawed, as Holmes solves crimes while Lupine commits them, certain similarities are certainly present. In the book, the two actually meet – a scenario that makes the hearts of Netflix fans beat faster.

And in fact, series creator George Kay has already given hints in this direction. In an interview, he admitted that the idea had already been discussed.

The Arsene Lupine fan base featured in the series would have to compete with the Sherlock Holmes fan base. You want to take it to a real meta level. Having that kind of fun would be really cool. And it’s nothing we haven’t already discussed

George Kay to Radio Times

An appearance by Sherlock Holmes in “Lupin” season 4 is by no means unlikely! Especially since Netflix has already tried to establish the famous master detective on its own portal with series like “The Gang from Baker Street”.

The cast of “Lupin” season 4

So far it is not known that anyone from the main cast is leaving the series. It can therefore be assumed that the well-known faces around Omar Sy will return for the new season. Any new additions are not yet known.

  • Omar Sy as Assane Diop – identifies with the “gentleman thief” Arsène Lupin, skilled planner and thief
  • Ludivine Sagnier as Claire – friend of Assane and mother of their son Raoul
  • Antoine Gouy as Benjamin Ferel – good friend of Assane and his family, supports him in his raids
  • Ethan Simon as Raoul – son of Assane and Claire
  • Herve Pierre as Hubert Pelligrini – Assane’s archenemy and his father’s former employer
  • Clotilde Hesme as Juliette Pellegrini – daughter of Hubert Pellegrini and old friend of Assane
  • Mamadou Haidara as young Assane Diop
  • Ludmilla Makowski as young Claire
  • Soufiane Guerrab as Youssef Guédira – police officer and admirer (of both Lupin and Assane)
  • Shirine Boutella as Lieutenant Sofia Belkacem – police officer, also hunting Assane
  • Naky Sy Savane as Mariama – Assane’s long-lost mother

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  • Netflix (“Most Popular Lists”, accessed on October 9, 2023)
  • Radio Times (“Lupin creator confirms a Sherlock Holmes crossover is being considered”, accessed on October 9, 2023)
