Goalkeeper injured head after collision with player: ‘Help was there quickly’

The goalkeeper of FC Engelen 4 was seriously injured on Sunday afternoon in a collision with an opponent. According to a board member of the football club, swelling has been found on the goalkeeper’s head and there may be internal brain damage. The goalkeeper was taken to the Elisabeth-TweeSteden Hospital in Tilburg. He had surgery there. The competition match against RKDVC 11 was stopped after the accident, the score was 0-0.

Board member Wim van Sambeek states that there was an unpleasant accident. “You can compare it with the collision between Etienne Vaessen and Brian Brobbey, in last Saturday’s match between RKC and Ajax. Our goalkeeper went for the ball and was hit in the head by a leg, foot or whatever from an RKDVC player. Everyone quickly noticed that things were wrong and the opponent was also quite upset.”

Trauma helicopter
Because the seriousness of the situation was immediately clear, 112 was immediately called. An air ambulance landed on the field. “Fortunately, that all happened very quickly. In the meantime, one of the players from our fourth team, who has a military background, ensured that the peace was maintained,” says Van Sambeek.

After the goalkeeper was taken to the hospital in Tilburg, players and other involved parties from both teams were informed about his condition. In the meantime, there was contact with the KNVB. Two other FC Engelen matches were canceled in consultation with the opponents. “We are very pleased that all these parties have shown understanding and cooperation. Really nice,” Van Sambeek also says.
