Rachel Hazes gave 15-year-old André 200 euros in cash: ‘For cocaine’

Rachel Hazes reveals where exactly André Hazes Jr.’s cocaine addiction originated: at the age of 15, when she gave him hundreds of euros for nights out. “That was a sign.”

© RTL, YouTube

One thing is clear: André Hazes Jr. and Roxeanne Hazes had a turbulent childhood. Things have turned out reasonably well with Rox, but André has gone completely off the rails: drink, drugs and a whole series of mistresses named Sarah. The worst of all? That he continues to flirt with it for years in all kinds of interviews.

15 year old André

Where did things go so incredibly wrong with that boy? It was a mystery for a long time, but now Rachel Hazes provides clarity. She more or less financed his cocaine when he was only 15 (!) years old. In 2023, André can freely walk to the ATM, but when he was a teenager, things were of course very different.

Rachel explains in the podcast What’s Going To Happen Now: “André went out quite young, at the age of 15. Then of course you give your son money, because he also got a taxi and he stayed the night with a friend, who was also seven years older, and I thought: also came from a very good family, so I thought: well, that’s fine.”

200 euros

What did she give André on such a night out? “He was 15 when he went out and I gave him 200 euros. And then he went again a week later and said: ‘Yes, but I need more money, because I won’t make it with 200.’ And then I said: ‘Yes, but what do you do?’ And then he said: ‘Yes, mom, you are all guests, you are taking a walk.’”

What?! In what universe is it normal to give your 15-year-old child hundreds of euros in boarding money? Even if you are drowning in the inheritance millions, it is pedagogically irresponsible to send your teenage son away with that much money every time. “Then I thought: yes, it is all quite expensive for those young people.”

Coke is expensive

Um, yeah, coke is expensive. “Put it all down, yes, then he went out, and I’m not even going to say what I gave away. But then I sometimes said to Dre: ‘Yes, but in principle no money was made for you at all.’”

So she gave those 200 euros in the beginning. Later André got his hands on much more. A monthly salary? “We speak yes. And that should have been the signal for me to realize that he was using natural.”

Cocaine. 15 years. “Yes, I found out all about that later when André was in the clinic, of course. Afterwards it turned out that André had started using from the age of fifteen.”


Incredible. Sending your underage son on a night out with hundreds of euros and thinking he will buy Haribo hearts and lemonade with it. This is next level naive. “You’re actually just falling for your son’s lies.”

Doesn’t Rachel feel incredibly guilty for this failure? “Yes Yes. However, in terms of upbringing he may have been too free. And too easy. But yes, on the other hand, you have to let that go immediately, because if I had raised him strongly, then he might have become a very sneaky child again.”

To rob a bank

Ah, Rachel had to finance that cocaine indirectly. According to Rachel, a strict upbringing had not worked. “He might have robbed a bank. Yes, I say something crazy, but… So yes, I really blamed myself for it.”

Witty. In Rachel’s eyes, there were two possible exits for André: cocaine on the left, bank robbery on the right. Can someone please blow away that cloud of smoke in front of her eyes? She’s clearly lost…
