Union statement | I Woman

Lhe National Conference of Editorial Committees and Trustees meeting today, 5 October 2023, in Rome at the headquarters of the National Press Federation is ready together with Fnsi and regional press associations to act forcefully for the real defense of employment contracts, because we can retreat on rights for a flexibility that companies largely want to decline as wild precariousness and employment blackmail.

The National Conference of Cdr and Trustees, in this regard, places the following points as priorities, also in view of a desirable and no longer postponable discussion with politics and publishers:

• defense and creation of jobs, defense of wages decimated by inflation and fight against precarious employment;
• support and support for CDRs, first safeguard for compliance with the employment contract and the rules of the profession, also with permanent trade union training with the CDR school launched by the Fnsi;
• launch together with the Cdr of a widespread mobilization in the territory to build the basis of a large national mobilization of the category;
• frontal fight against precarious employment and defense of the dignity of journalistic work in the centrality of collective agreements and fair compensation;
• promotion of quality journalism against disinformation and fake news
• defense of local journalism, an information hub that gives voice to the territories;
• construction of a path on artificial intelligence that leads to technological challenges being governed as opportunities and not as inevitable evils;
• defense of the autonomy and respect for the professionalism of Rai colleagues, from national newspapers to regional editorial offices, the subject of a frontal attack by politics, to protect the pluralism, soul and mission of the public service;
• respect for the rules for those who work on the web by rethinking the organization of work;
• commitment to obtaining union eligibility for those who work in public press offices;
• enhancement of the role of news agencies to defeat the risk of news homologation;
• recovery of discussion within the workplace and with trade bodies at all levels;
• protection of copyright to guarantee professional journalistic work;
• combating the mixing of information and advertising
• opposition to the logic of cuts and the mere expectation of public funding: publishers must do their part as enshrined in Article 21 of the Constitution.

Rome, 5 October 2023 Approved unanimously
CORSO VITTORIO EMANUELE II 349 – 00186 ROME – TEL. 06/68008.1 – FAX 06/6871444 site: www.fnsi.it – e-mail: [email protected]

