Intoxicated! Man dismantles hotel room and attacks police officers

By Dirk Böttger and Matthias Lukaschewitsch

Riot in boxer shorts in a hotel in Neukölln! A 39-year-old Berliner destroyed his room there, shouted and attacked police officers – apparently while high on drugs.

As police spokesman Martin Stralau confirmed, the police were called to a hotel on Jahnstrasse this Friday morning (12:50 a.m.). According to Stralau, the hotel guest “was rioting in his room and screaming around.” Then the man ran into the hotel lobby. “Wearing only boxer shorts,” as the spokesman said. The man then threw a glass bottle against a glass door.

The shorts were torn. Officers who arrived on scene had difficulty calming and arresting the man. “He was unresponsive and was apparently under the influence of drugs.” The rioter “yelled incoherent things that were characterized by delusions,” said Stralau.

In the hotel room, the officers saw a picture of devastation: “The man had turned on the taps in the bathroom and left it running.” In the room, the officers found “micro test tubes” – police German for: drug containers.

Police officers look at the damage to the hotel

Police officers look at the damage to the hotel Photo: Spreepicture

Several police officers tried to take him to the ground and restrain him at the same time. But the man developed unexpected strength, fought back with his hands and feet and continued to scream undeterred.

Mixed several drugs?

Residents opened the windows and photographed or filmed the scene. Meanwhile, the officers made sure that the man did not hurt himself. They put a blanket under his head because he kept trying to hit his head on the pavement. The spokesman confirmed: “The man threatened to harm himself.”

After around 15 minutes, an emergency doctor and paramedics arrived.

Six people were needed to transfer the man to a stretcher, where he had to be restrained again. He was then transported to the hospital.
