Trumpism’s strategy to take the party by storm

On Wednesday morning, two republicans who hours earlier had overthrown Kevin McCarthy as speaker of the United States House of Representatives, accompanied Stephen “Steve” Bannon in the recording studio that the political owner of donald trump It is located a few blocks from the Capitol, in a picturesque 19th century brick house.

Reps. Matt Gaetz of Florida, the instigator of the rebellion, and Nancy Mace of South Carolina, met with Trump’s Durán Barba to discuss the driving change promoted by the hard wing of republicanism in the podcast “War Room”.

“The tectonic plate is shifting here in the imperial capital,” Bannon told his listeners during the show, directing them to donate to his online guests. “We must fill the void now,” he harangued, promoting an internal coup in the party that grants the trumpism total control for the election year.

From his cave-like studio, not far from where Congress meets, Bannon has been fueling chaos who is now taking over the Republican Party, to gain his own space of power: he is responsible for the story that the 2020 presidential elections were stolen from former President Donald J. Trump, criticizing the coronavirus mandates and what he calls a “ criminal invasion of the southern border.”

His last obsession on that path was to overthrow McCarthy and eliminate what he describes as “one-party” Republicans who have become indistinguishable from Democrats. Thus he related the former speaker of the House to his predecessor, Nancy Pelosi, a staunch opponent of Donald Trump during his administration.

Bannon is the central figure in this week’s crisis in the House, and his role helps explain why the Republican Party appears to be devouring his own. In recent decades, “right-wing rebels,” as Bannon’s space calls itself, have had trouble imposing real change on Capitol Hill: shunned by lobbyists and political action committees, excluded from leadership chambers, and neglected by politicians. newscasts who avoided them so as not to be attached to Trump and his flock.

But Bannon presents agitators as heroes for his devoted acolytes and helps boost his fundraising. Participate in calls with members and donors. Offers strategic advice. And he harasses Fox News journalists who, he says, don’t give them fair treatment. But above all, he offers an unfiltered platform where agitators can speak directly with the base, known in “War Room” as “the gang,” creating the rebound in networks that ends up hacking the party itself.

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