‘Özcan Akyol looks a bit like Gordon, can’t score at all’

In terms of resilience, Özcan Akyol is a bit like television colleague Gordon, says Story editor-in-chief Guido den Aantrekker. “He could use a bit more perspective!”


It is a fight between Özcan Akyol and Guido den Aantrekker. The Story boss called him a manmuts and criticized his interview with Ernst Daniël Smid. And now the presenter of programs such as Stars on the Canvas has blocked the magazine maker on X, so that he can no longer follow him.


Guido thinks it’s all very silly. “I don’t hate him, but he was stepped on his toes very quickly. Gordonlike: wanting to distribute but having trouble collecting. I advise you to put things into perspective a bit more. Nothing but praise 🤪 And today a striking column in the AD,” he responds X.

Media expert Marianne Zwagerman sides with Guido in this argument. She thinks that Özcan needs to man up a bit. “Team Guido. #StopdeMuts,” she writes.


Gordon is notorious for his poor ability to score. He now no longer has contact with Yvonne Coldeweijer, who was his last ally in the media. The reason? She said some critical things about him.

However, Yvonne has no desire to put herself in the driver’s seat, she says in the podcast Lightless Lounge. “I always know exactly the dynamics of the situation, so when I get involved in a conflict, I do it on purpose. Or I allow it, let me put it this way. Gordon, for example, is very good at that.”

Sew it on

What makes Gordon a good example? “He actually wants to commit me to all kinds of things and sometimes I feel like it and sometimes I don’t. And if I feel like it, I’ll post it and then I’ll go along with it. He can also tempt me a bit to post all kinds of things. I know he does. And then I can choose to do it or not.”

Now the ties between Gordon and Yvonne are broken. Just like the one between Özcan and Guido, if there was one.
