Thriller festival 2023 in Zoetermeer: ​​this is the program

Zoetermeer is the Thriller City of the Netherlands! The fifteenth edition of the Thriller Festival will take place from October 22 to 29 and the entire city will be dominated by terrifying activities. Here we highlight some of the most exciting events for you.

The Book Festival

Where: Small Hall City Theater
When: Sunday, October 22 from 12 noon to 5 p.m
What: Traditionally, the thriller week starts with the Book Festival. This means that the Grand Foyer of the City Theater will be transformed into a book market. There will also be a Bat award ceremony from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM. The best thrillers and the best exciting children’s book of the past year will receive this prize. Finally, the winner of the Student Writing Competition will be announced at 3:30 PM. Exciting!

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Horror at Filmhuis Cameo

Where: Small Hall City Theater
When: Tuesday, October 24 at 3:00 PM and 8:00 PM
What: Thanks to Filmhuis Cameo you can watch a thriller on a big screen in the Stadstheater. Holy Spider is based on the true story of the Iranian serial killer ‘spider killer’. To look! A ticket costs 8.50 euros; members pay 7 euros.

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Screaming in Kinepolis

Where: Kinepolis cinema
When: Friday, October 27 at 1:30 PM
What: You can also watch thrillers in Kinepolis during the festival. You can choose from an English-language and a Dutch-language film. Where the Crawdads Sing is about a girl who grows up alone in a swamp area and is suspected of murder. The memory game is the film adaptation of a popular thriller by Nicci French. Both films start at 1:30 PM. Tickets are 8.50 euros.

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Thriller Talk Show in Café MAX

Where: Café MAX / Forum
When: Sunday, October 29 from 12 noon to 2 p.m
What: To end the week, a Thriller Talk show will take place in the Forum. Several well-known thriller authors sit at the table, such as the Dutch author Marieke Damen and the Flemish author Toni Coppers. Be with? Reserve your spot via website of Zoetermeer Library. It is free!

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More, more, more!

There is even more on the program for the Thriller Festival 2023 in Zoetermeer. Curious? Then check here the festival’s website.


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