This is the salary of a senator in Spain

10/04/2023 at 16:56


The salary of a senator depends on the positions they occupy on the Board, the Board of Spokespersons or the commissions

The Congress of Deputies and the Senate shape what we know as General Courts of Spain. We live in a parliamentary monarchy that represents citizens through this body, elected every four years by universal suffrage. Right now, there are 266 senatorsof which 208 are elected through the polls and 58 through the autonomous parliament of each community.

The salary of senators in 2023

If you are interested in knowing the salary of senators in 2023, we must first turn to the Spanish Constitution. In the Magna Carta, in article 71.4, it is stated that senators will receive a salary set by the Chamber. That’s when we have to look for the Senate Economic Regime to find that The base salary of a senator is 3,173.83 euros received in 14 payments.

To this amount must be added supplements, diets and compensations whenever applicable, to defray the expenses necessary to perform their function in the Lower House.

In this way, the president of the senate receives an allowance of 3,472.07 euros per month and a supplement of 5,068.51 euros per month; he vice president charges 1,366.77 euros per month and a supplement of 3,097.32 euros per month; while the senate secretaries They receive an allowance of 1,067.18 euros per month and a supplement of 2,735.86 euros. It is surprising how in many cases, the supplement exceeds the base salary.
