‘It’s a shame that André Hazes Jr. had to sit in the audience at Humberto’

René van der Gijp finds it painful and significant that André Hazes Jr. had to sit in the public stands the entire time at Humberto on Monday evening. “It can happen quickly.”


This week we are presented with an overdose of André Hazes Jr. because his new album will be released on Friday, all of the singles of which have already flopped. He is literally everywhere, including last Monday evening at Humberto Tan. However, he first had to sit in the audience for 45 minutes to wait for all the other topics.

André on reserve bench

Remarkable, says Wilfred Genee. He agrees Today Inside: “André Hazes Jr. was also very tall for a while and he is suddenly modest and smaller again.”

René feels sorry for that boy. “I was looking at it a bit sad. Look, in every talk show where Andre Hazes appeared, he was the big man and now he was simply put on the reserve bench for the first 45 minutes. Yes, there it was. It can be fast, right?”

‘Why on TV?!’

Johan Derksen does not understand why André always has to be on TV. “Why is André Hazes always on a talk show anyway?”

René: “Well, he had a new song again.”

Wilfred: “New album is being released, new kind of music, Ahoy is not yet full and he is always very candid about himself.”

Johan: “Yes, but that family is open about everything. So all arguments are fought out very openly in the media.”

Bad number

René is not impressed by André’s new album ‘Ruzie met de Buren’. “How did you like the song?”

Wilfred: “Mwoah.”

René: “Yes, I had that too, not great.”

Wilfred: “I still have to get used to that form of music. And then his mother was rejected again, you know. ‘I distance myself from everything and everyone that does not make me feel good.’ Then I think: you can also discuss that among yourselves, right?”


André also made nasty comments in the show about his false mother Rachel Hazes. Table guest Job Knoester: “Isn’t that a bit sickening to keep burning down your own family on TV?”

René: “No. Not good, not good, not good.”

Job: “No, not good. That’s nicely said. I really think it’s a bit of a shame.”

Johan: “I think you are being harassed about it.”

Job: “That too. And the father was not a saint, but he was an icon. They are just destroying that whole name together now.”
