Sell ​​your dream apartment – “It started as a joke”

Iida Ketola tells Iltalehte that she and Janne Elonen-Kulmala will soon be packing their belongings in moving boxes, unless there are some unexpected twists and turns.

Iida Ketola and Janne Elonen-Kulmala move the media personality into a shared apartment with the animals. Karoliina Simoinen

Media personality and entrepreneur Iida Ketola33, leaves his current apartment and moves in with his partner, a professional freelancer Janne Elonen-Kulmalan, with Ketola will inform you about it Instagramin his publication.

– Everything has progressed at a breakneck pace without much planning, but I guess the right things in life come along, without any more plans and warning triangles, the entrepreneur writes in his post.

– An agent is coming to evaluate my home in a week. It’s really sad already, even though everything is still very uncertain, he adds.

It is an apartment located in the countryside, which the entrepreneur bought alone in 2021. Ketola has previously told his dreams of moving to the countryside for a long time.

Iltalehti caught up with Ketola, who confirms that the idea of ​​the couple moving in together was not premeditated.

– It started as a joke: there was a nice item for sale and we fell in love with it a bit. We fell in love with it even more when we went to see it. We are making an offer for it, says the entrepreneur.

– Nothing is certain, but I wanted to make an update about the fact that we are probably going to move – unless there are some surprises. They can come up during condition inspections of old apartments, he emphasizes.

Iida Ketola has become known from reality TV series. PDO

Ketola and Elonen-Kulmala have been together for a year and a half. Jussi Eskola

The timing is perfect for the couple, because they just finished the roof renovation in their current apartment in Ketola. According to the media person, moving in together will make their everyday life easier in many ways.

– My current home is a bad location for Janne. He plays sports as a profession, so he needs to have an easy connection to his home gym, where he also coaches, he explains.

The entrepreneur believes that living at the same address will also make it easier for them to organize their time together.

– You don’t always have to move between two apartments. We won’t have more free time by chance now, even if we move in together, but it will certainly (make it easier), he states.

This is what a new apartment is like

The media person reveals about the new apartment that it has approximately the same square footage as the current one. In addition, the new apartment is not as much in the forest as the current one, which, on the other hand, makes Ketola a little sad. However, the apartment is still located in the countryside. In addition, according to the entrepreneur, public services are a little further from the new apartment.

– My current house was built in the 1880s and the new one is a few decades newer. I like the spirit of old people’s homes and it’s wonderful that the new home also has a wood stove and wooden floors. Those are the kinds of things I would no longer be willing to give up.

Iida Ketola hopes that she hopes to find a good new owner for her current apartment. ATTE KAJOVA / AOP

Ketola’s farm animals are also moving with the couple, so they had one absolute requirement regarding the new apartment. Fortunately, that wish was fulfilled.

– Our biggest criterion is that the yard is more than a hectare, says Ketola.

So Ketola is excitedly stepping towards her new life change. The star still has to admit that he is reluctant to put his current apartment up for sale. He hopes that a good person will be found as the new owner of the apartment.

– It is indeed a wonderful gem and I would like to put it up for sale. But I just can’t find any use for it anymore, laments the entrepreneur.

– I would hope that it will be bought by a person who appreciates the old and does not try too hard to modernize it. And appreciating its old log walls, and not painting it with some plastic white paint, he laughs a little at the end.
