A Swedish fan published a touching video – A friend’s reaction saved a life

Swedish snowboarder Ben Mitkus says he has been to the bottom.

A tube player of Lithuanian background who moved to Sweden with his family as a child Ben Mitkus, 28, tells in the Dialogiskt program how he has struggled with mental health problems. He considers his sudden popularity on social media to be one of the reasons.

– I can’t put into words what it was, but too many things just happened. It may not have been noticed on YouTube. Even though I’m not feeling well, I still smiled for the camera and looked happy. I didn’t feel good, Ben says

He says how, with popularity, routines regarding food, sleep and alcohol were completely forgotten.

– There were also drugs involved, and people you don’t have fun with, Ben continued.

The hardest phase of all lasted half a year, at the end of which Ben decided to take his own life with pills.

– I made a YouTube video where I said that it’s over now.

The video was seen by Ben’s best friend, who drove to Ben from another city.

– If he hadn’t come, I don’t know what would have happened.

The situation was a wake-up call for Ben and he sought help.

In addition to tumbling, 28-year-old Ben has made music and has appeared on television several times.

Source: Aftonbladet

Don’t be alone! Comprehensive support is available for mental health problems and suicidal thoughts. You can find information about support services by phone, online and face-to-face in this story.
