Union calls for better police protection from firecrackers

By Axel Lier

Only three months until New Year’s Eve. Will there be riots again? Firefighters have already criticized the preparation for the most explosive night of the year. Now the German Police Union (DPolG) is also calling for better protection for police officers from pyrotechnics.

“The riots at the turn of the year showed that there is a significantly increased health risk for our colleagues,” says DPolG state chief Bodo Pfalzgraf. In particular, he calls for protective equipment for officers who are on patrol duty – similar to what firefighters have.

This includes fire protection hoods, fire-retardant outer and lower clothing, impulse noise hearing protection and gel fire extinguishers for all radio patrol cars. Bodo Pfalzgraf: “In addition, it makes sense to set up a central processing line in which the judiciary is involved – as is already being done successfully around May 1st.”

The willingness to use violence against emergency services remains high. “Dangerous means such as pyrotechnics are used specifically against people,” continues Bodo Pfalzgraf, “and the resulting injuries, which can sometimes be significant, sometimes even occur intentionally.”

According to the police’s internal final report, 47 police officers were injured last New Year’s Eve. Most officers (22) were injured by pyrotechnics. Six left the service and 13 had to be treated as outpatients. 41 remained in service. 355 criminal complaints were filed. 89 of them were confiscated because of violations of the weapons law, 74 of which were blank-firing and signal weapons.

The other criminal charges: dangerous bodily harm (47), physical attack on officials (22), drugs (22) and destruction of important work equipment (26). 26 police vehicles were damaged, including many patrol and group cars, nine of which were considered “total failures”.
