Little Lola’s sad farewell letter († 1)

By Matthias Lukaschewitsch

“I am Lola Matilda. When I was still on Earth, my mom called me Lola Longstocking. This was because of my cheeky laugh and my love for all animals. Maybe I would have had freckles later – like Pippi.”

They are the words of mom Kerstin P. from Gransee (Oberhavel). She wrote it in the name of her daughter Lola (14 months). Posted on the donation platform “GoFundMe”.

Lola is dead. The child was run over by a VW Tiguan on September 17th on her doorstep. Any help came too late for the girl. The Oranienburg criminal police are currently investigating how she ended up on the street. The question is: If the woman behind the wheel of the white Tiguan – 85-year-old Renate Sch. from Berlin – need to see the little one?

Mourning in the 6,000-inhabitant town of Gransee for the dead Lola - people laid flowers, lit candles and laid down an angel

Mourning for Lola in the 6,000-inhabitant town of Gransee. People laid flowers and angels and lit candles Photo: Private

In front of the family’s house on Baustrasse there are flowers, stuffed animals and a heart with little angels. Plus pictures of Lola: Sweet googly eyes, radiant laughter and joyful joy of life – that was Lola. Her mother has Lola say: “I’ve only turned 14 months old. I had my whole life ahead of me.”

Review: Sunday September 17th. It’s 5:48 p.m. Lola’s dad Michael E.-M. and mom Kerstin wanted to take Lola to the playground behind the church “St. Marien”, which stands in front of the family home. According to police, parents are busy putting out the trash cans for collection the next day. “The parents were on their way from the courtyard of the house to the street,” the police report says.

Lola "Longstocking" Mama Kerstin P. called her sunshine.  She laughed as “cheeky” as Pee

Mama Kerstin P. called Lola “Longstocking” her sunshine. She laughed as cheekily as Pippi Photo: Private

Where was Lola at that moment? Not clear. The police say that Lola briefly escaped her parents and ran into the street. Maybe Lola just wanted to go to the playground.

It was recorded: “In an unobserved moment, the girl ran/crawled from the sidewalk into the middle of the road.” At the same moment, pensioner Renate Sch was driving. past the house. She had visited her sister in Fürstenberg (Havel), as she later told the police. Wanted to go back to Berlin.

It is only a few meters from the front door to the road

It is only a few meters from the front door to the road

The car runs over Lola. Drives on. Only a cyclist finally stops the car. “You just ran over someone.” Renate Sch. is shocked. She parks the car. Runs back to the scene of the accident. During an initial interview at the scene of the accident, she tells the officers that she didn’t even notice the accident and assumed that she “drove over a bump.” be. She didn’t see the child.

The parents wanted to take Lola to this playground - then the tragic accident happened

The parents wanted to go to this playground with Lola – then the tragic accident happened – 200 meters from their house (in the background on the left). Photo: Matthias Lukaschewitsch

Lola’s mom finds these words: “I died in a very tragic accident right in front of my home. Unimaginable, but true.”

After the accident, dramatic scenes take place at the scene of the accident: the mother screams in pain. The father sits on the paving stones. Laid the lifeless body of his child on his stomach. Then the emergency doctor and paramedics arrive. For half an hour they try everything to bring the child back to life – in vain. The head injuries are simply too severe.

VW Tiguan built in 2013

Pensioner Renate Sch. drove a VW Tiguan (built in 2013). from Berlin Lola rolled over Photo: Volkswagen

The Oranienburg criminal police are now investigating the case against Renate Sch. for negligent homicide. When asked by BZ, her lawyer Paul-Christian Franz said: “My client does not want to provide any further information about the accident at the moment.” An accident expert must now clarify whether Renate Sch. little Lola could have seen it from her position in the Tiguan or not.

Lola had just learned to walk - she wanted to go to the playground with her parents

Lola had just learned to walk Photo: Private

Kerstin P. comes from Austria and her husband Michael from South Africa. There will be funeral ceremonies in both countries. They are currently in Austria and have left their home and the scene of the accident. The bike with Lola’s child seat is still in the courtyard passage.
