how and where do Italians enjoy it? Research explains it – iO Donna

THECoffee, as we know, is the most loved drink in the world. It’s part of our tradition, our daily rituals and even a bit of our DNA. For 9 out of 10Indeed, it is the pride made in Italy. On the occasion of International Coffee Day which occurs on 2nd Octoberlet’s find out how consumption and preparation methods have changed.

Coffee, benefits and false myths: advice from the expert

Italians and coffee in a research

There are those who drink it in the morning before going to universitywho takes it at work to the machine to take breaks with colleagueswho after lunchwho in the evening to stay awake and study. Who prepares it with waffleswho with the mochawho sips it the bar. Those who grab it quickly, those who enjoy it calmly, those who have make it a ritual. For some, coffee is like tea in England: a daily fixture that It has its own sacredness. According to a study carried out in May 2023 by AstraRicerche for the Coffee Promotion Consortium, about 40 out of 100 are consumed at home. Followed by Cafe (about 14 out of 100). For some time, then, the pod machine has surpassed the moka, with the 42.7% against 28.8%. Third place capsules with the 17.1%.

Awareness grows

But what does it represent for Italians? For most of us it is one recharge of mental strength and physical energy (42.2%), a personal ritual (35.6%), and a catalyst of good humor and sociability (33.7%) to share with others. Compared to the past, today there is much more also pay attention to the supply chain and its commitment. «What emerges is the growing environmental awareness of Italian consumers: they recognize the commitment to sustainability and of the new packaging (61.7%) and new ones processes production and transport (58.3%) and want this trend to come maintained and increased more and more (50.3%)”, states Cosimo Finzi, President of AstraRicerche.

Coffee tasting: the senses speak

«The espresso is an entirely Italian invention which has accompanied our breaks since the beginning of the 1900s and which is able to offer us a real sensorial journey to enjoy with friends eyes, palate, smell. Coffee can be brewed in many different ways, but every cup is an opportunity for explore a world of aromas, flavors and scents unique and enhancing its quality is an exciting adventure that helps you fully appreciate this experience. When I drink coffee, let it be extracted in espresso or mokamy thoughts always go to country of production, to farmers who cultivated it and to the roaster who toasted it. A journey that allows me to enjoy what we coffee specialists call “flavor”“, continues Andrei Godinaone of the most authoritative coffee specialists.

A pleasure to enjoy and listen to: the “Storie di Caffè” podcast arrives

But our favorite drink also has the true power to capture attention, sparking conversations that transform each cup into a chapter in a unique story. And it is precisely from this idea that the podcast “Coffee Stories”, created by the Coffee Promotion Consortium in collaboration with Podcast Italia Network. A series of ten episodes to download from October 1st, International Coffee Day, during which the protagonists, Greta, a young barista passionate about coffee and Alberto, her student friend who frequents her bar, will lead us into a exciting journey to discover all the secrets and curiosities related to coffee: from its supply chain to its history, from the traditions and customs linked to its world to more special preparations. Available on all major listening platforms.

