“He’s such a jerk!”

In any case, Duncan Laurence’s charm offensive has no effect on Hans Klok, the magician who now also bashes part-time celebrities. “I think that boy is such a jerk!”


Duncan Laurence tries hard to win back the sympathy of the people. Not only with his participation in Best Singers, but also by giving interviews in Dutch again, such as recently at the table with Humberto Tan. The singer, who only wanted to speak English for a while, denied rumors that he was on the hook.

“Such a jerk!”

In any case, Duncan’s charm offensive does not work on Hans Klok, who is increasingly lashing out at celebrities. He goes all out on the singer in his book, Weekend quotes. “I think I’m such a jerk too. No, don’t write that down. Or well, just look. What I want to say is that you have to feel how you deal with that fame.”

In any case, the way that Eurovision lad deals with fame is terrible, Hans thinks. “Blowing from a tower, shouting that you are better than everything and everyone, that is really not possible, we no longer live in the 1950s. Besides, I don’t see myself that way.”

‘Don’t feel too good’

Hans is also a big star himself. “I am proud of what I have achieved, I am very good at my profession, but if I am asked to promote next summer’s circus performances in a fun way, I would be happy to do so.”

You should never imagine yourself to be a very big star, Hans finally advises Duncan. “Of course I’m a commercial guy, I just want to sell tickets, but I don’t feel too good for anything.”
