Opposition votes against extension of asylum center: ‘We will never lose this otherwise’

Opposition votes against extension of asylum center: ‘We will never lose this otherwise’

The federal government has asked to keep the reception center open longer, until the end of June 2024. Mayor Joachim Coens previously indicated that this is not a problem, but he does not want it to last longer than that period. A new district must be built there.

“Brussels sends hot potato to municipality”

There are now about 300 people without papers, but the government is asking to accommodate more. But the mayor doesn’t want that either. However, the opposition goes one step further. “We are going to vote against tonight. Just on principle. Not for the people themselves, but Brussels forwards the hot potato to the municipality, which then has to pay for it. We think we will never get rid of the reception center here again,” it said. at the party.
