Happiness at work, Italy fifth Best Workplaces in Europe

SAnd work in a happy environment and serene has a fundamental role in employee productivity, Italy can be said to be quite lucky. Our country, in fact, ranks fifth in the ranking, Best Workplaces in Europe 2023 drawn up by the research and consultancy company Great Place to Work which indicates the 150 companies where employees are most satisfied with their jobs.

Work (and live) with more serenity, a manual explains how

What is Happiness at Work Week?

The list was published in Happiness at Work Week which this year is celebrated all over the world from 25 to 29 September, an event in which we try to confirm the need to create work environments where happiness is not a plus, but a cornerstone for the success of the company itself. On the Poster of the Weekit is stated, in fact, that «happier employees are more engaged, more productive, more cooperative, more creative and more innovative. They are less likely to call in sick and are less likely to experience burnout.”.

According to the Best Workplaces in Europe 2023 ranking, Italy ranks 5th for the number of awarded companies (Getty)

The ranking of the companies where you work best

Based on the opinion of over one million collaborators in over 3,300 companies active in 21 countries in Europe, Best Workplaces in Europe 2023 is aimed at identifying companies that can provide the five fundamental pillars of happiness at work: credibility, respect, fairness, pride and team spirit.

Other important themes that emerged in the research concern: the benefits obtained by collaborators, the fair redistribution of the profits made by the organization, the fairness of pay for the work performed. But also the offer of professional courses, the direct involvement of employees by management in decisions regarding the work environment, the possibility for all members of an organization to obtain special recognition and the ability of management to assign the right roles and coordination of employees.

France is first, but Italy fifth

The first country by number of awarded companies it is the France (10%), followed by Great Britain (9%), Germany And Türkiye (7%). But here it is in fifth placetied with Ireland, Spain and Switzerland, Italy appears which hosts 6% of the companies in the ranking. Among the 50 best large companies, we find Sorgenia (electricity, gas and fiber supplier) e Illimity (digital bank) were awarded 13th and 31st place respectively. But in the top 50 of medium-sized companies there are two Italians: Bending Spoons which develops applications for mobile devices is in 12th place, while Reverse Spa of the human resources sector is at 38th.

Among small companies, however, we find Accuracy, a financial consultancy company that ranked 10th. Finally, it should be underlined that there are 12 Italian offices awarded in the multinational category (DHL Express, AbbVie, Hilton, Cisco, Salesforce, Stryker, Teleperformance, Cadence, SC Johnson, Sopra Steria, Kiabi, Admiral Group (ConTe.it), WL Gore, Bacardi, Bristol-Myers Squibb).

As regards the overall winners of the categories, the multinational category sees confirmation in first place DHL Express, German transport company. While two Dutch companies from the technology sector triumphed among large and medium-sized companies, Afas Software And Blue Bricks. The best small company in Europe, however, is Turkish TrabzonPort.

How to make people happy at work

«The companies that have managed to enter this exclusive ranking they were able to work on pay equity – explained Alessandro Zollo, CEO of Great Place to Work Italia – one of the most delicate issues in the world of work today, as well as on the perception of sharing the wealth generated by the company and on returnthrough benefits, of that part of the salary that galloping inflation has inevitably eroded».

In essence, worrying about the satisfaction and happiness levels of employees in the office is certainly one of the aspects that companies should give most weight to. And since impatience lowers levels of involvement And the dropout rate increasesall aspects that have repercussions on the company itself, it is important to do our best to guarantee those who work a healthy, peaceful environment where they want to go every morning.

