Hollywood studios and scriptwriters reach provisional agreement after almost five months | Show

News/UpdateThe end of the great scriptwriters’ strike in Hollywood is in sight. The scriptwriters have reached a preliminary agreement with the major Hollywood studios. If the 11,500 members of the WGA writers’ union agree to the deal, they will return to work after almost 150 days of strikes.

The studios and streaming services, united in the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), made a proposal on Saturday that they call their final offer. According to the Los Angeles Times, the proposed new three-year collective labor agreement will increase compensation and writers of series and films offered on streaming services will receive more royalties. The agreement also includes rules for the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

The strike started in early May after negotiations on a new contract between the screenwriters’ union WGA and AMPTP broke down. Screenwriters are demanding, among other things, better wages, higher fees for repeat broadcasts and clear rules for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in making films and series.

Millions in damage

The strike began in early May after negotiations on a new contract between the screenwriters’ union and AMPTP broke down. The talks were at a standstill for months. In recent days, representatives of the unions and the AMPTP have been negotiating with each other again. Even California Governor Gavin Newsom recently weighed in on the talks. The economic damage in California as a result of the strike is now estimated at 5 billion dollars (4.7 billion euros).

In addition to this strike, there was also the strike by actors’ union SAG-AFTRA in July. Due to the two simultaneous strikes, the American entertainment industry when it comes to films and series is currently largely at a standstill. Not only do the actors no longer act, but they also no longer show up to promote productions that have already been completed. As a result, the release of a large number of films has already been postponed.

A new contract between the screenwriters and their employers will be valid for three years.
