Quote/Scholz calls for the withdrawal of Russian troops: ‘This is Putin’s war’

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of a blatant breach of international law and called on him to stop the attack on Ukraine. The German Press Agency documents the statement that Scholz made on Thursday in the Berlin Chancellery:

“February 24 is a terrible day for Ukraine and a bleak day for Europe. With his attack on Ukraine, Russian President Putin is once again in blatant violation of international law. Putin is bringing suffering and destruction to his direct neighbors. He is violating sovereignty and the borders of Ukraine. He is endangering the lives of countless innocent people in Ukraine, Russia’s brother people. Ultimately, he is also calling into question the peaceful order on our continent. There is no justification for any of this. This is Putin’s war. (… )

In view of the current development, I convened the security cabinet this morning so that the government could discuss the situation and jointly decide how to proceed. I urge all German citizens who are still in the country to leave Ukraine – for their own protection. I asked the President of the German Bundestag to call a special session of the Bundestag for Sunday. I will make a government statement there. (…)

As a next step, we will decide on further tough sanctions against Russia today, in close consultation with our international partners in NATO and the European Union. It is good that we have carefully prepared this. The aim of the sanctions is to make it clear to the Russian leadership that they are paying a bitter price for this aggression. Time will tell: Putin made a serious mistake with his war.

Allow me to say a word to our NATO allies in Eastern Europe, in Poland, in Romania and in the Baltic States. I would like to expressly assure you: We understand your concerns in view of this development only too well. We will stand by your side. Germany stands by NATO’s duty of assistance. (…)

The situation is very serious. I would like to call on Russian President Putin to immediately stop the military attack, stop the bloodshed and completely withdraw his troops from the territory of Ukraine.”/ax/DP/mis
