On Sportweek Sinner and Davis, unexpected goals and the Italian Ryder Cup

The cover of Sportweek is dedicated to the South Tyrolean who deserted the national tennis team. There is also space for football with weak-footed goals and young talents. Without forgetting the super golf challenge starting in Rome

In the end Italy made it even without him, qualifying for the Davis Cup final in November. But the lump sum given to “recover from the fatigue” of the US Open did not please captain Volandri (the “coach”), the Federation and above all the fans, for whom the number 1 of our tennis is now a symbol. We are talking about Jannik Sinner, the South Tyrolean who for the fourth time said no to being called up to the national team and who for this reason has “earned” the cover of the next Sportweek, on newsstands on Saturday with the Gazzetta dello Sport at a total price of 2.20 EUR. A Sinner without a country, one might say playing with his surname, especially if you consider that Djokovic, 36 years old (14 his senior), number 1 in the world and winner of the American Slam, responded to the call with enthusiasm “present!”, dragging Serbia to the Malaga finals. In short, Sinner’s decision was ungenerous or at least questionable, indeed, according to the great old man of Italian tennis, Nicola Pietrangeli, Davis won it as a non-playing captain in 1976, subject to disqualification by the Federation. And the other champions of that team that had the merit of making a sport that had until then been somewhat elitist popular in our country explain that you can’t give up the blue shirt.

goals and youth

But after so much tennis, football cannot be missing from our magazine. What happened in Juve-Lazio, when Vlahovic scored a brace with his right foot and Chiesa a goal with his left foot (i.e. their “wrong” feet), gave us the opportunity for an in-depth study on the goals scored with the weak foot, starting with the most iconic for us Italians: that of Tardelli in the 1982 World Cup final against Germany. From Maradona on down, all the greatest (Baggio, Ronaldo, Messi…) have been able to score like this. Few, however, have been as precocious in scoring goals for the national team as Lamine Yamal, the 16-year-old who is driving Barcelona crazy, where he is already a starter, and Spain with his class and his records: we’ll tell you his story, which is not trivial , starting with the fact that he supports… Real Madrid. However, there are many of his contemporaries on the launching pad in the world and also in Italy, and we would like to introduce you to them too. A blessed youth that in Serie A could further lower the average age: the statistics say that compared to 4 seasons ago it has dropped by a year and that Udinese has the lowest one and Lazio permanently the highest. By the way, this week’s Top 11 is that of Igli Tare, sporting director of the Biancocelesti for many years.

Roman Ryder

From ball to ball. Next week begins the Ryder Cup, the historic team golf tournament (United States against Europe) which is being played for the first time in Italy, just outside Rome. Sportweek on Saturday tells you about the origins, the curiosities and the formula, also recalling the collateral celebrity tournament, the All Star Match in which this year Djokovic takes part (evidently he has energy for this too…), Carlos Sainz who after a year brought Ferrari back to success in a Grand Prix, Shevchenko and other VIPs.

and so on…

However, the 15 million Italians who, according to a study by Banca Ifis, practice “liquid” sport, that is, they run, cycle, go trekking, but also climb, walk with snowshoes or go ski mountaineering without membership cards, timetables, are not VIPs. pre-established meetings or competitions, outside the gyms but outdoors. These activities occupy them on average 5 hours a week and generate a turnover of 4.4 billion euros a year. A notable phenomenon, also because the largest age group is between 55 and 70 years old. But on Sportweek you will find much more, including a memory on the thirtieth anniversary of the death of Manlio Scopigno, the “philosopher” coach capable of bringing the scudetto to Sardinia in 1970. In short, even in this issue there is something for all tastes.
