Save fuel by ‘hypermiling’: this is how you do it | Car

When high fuel prices make life difficult for motorists, some drivers do everything they can to drive as far as possible on every liter of petrol or kilowatt hour of electricity. We call this phenomenon hypermiling. But what exactly is that and how do you do it?

The techniques that so-called hypermilers use to even more economical driving than the manufacturer considers possible, can be used by any motorist who wants to maximize fuel consumption or range. Extreme hypermilers quickly save tens of percent, simply because they do their utmost day in, day out to squeeze as many kilometers as possible from a liter of fuel. In daily use, however, you can quickly save ten percent of fuel with a few simple tips.

The history of hypermiling

Hypermiling gained popularity in the United States when gasoline prices were sky high in the early 2000s. With high prices at the pump, many motorists bought fuel-saving hybrid cars, such as the Toyota Prius. Fans of these economical cars quickly tried to make this car even more economical to drive by applying smart driving techniques. Hypermiling is still a popular pastime with some drivers. Marathons are even held and hypermilers like to share their experiences on social media. You can also use it in normal traffic situations to minimize your fuel consumption.

What is hypermiling?

The hypermilers always start by asking whether they should really ride. If a five-minute drive can be replaced by walking or cycling, they leave the car at home. If they have to drive, they plan a route that is as smooth as possible. And it also requires as little acceleration and deceleration as possible. They will also try to drive at a time when it is less busy. Hypermiling is all about maintaining speed. The more you brake and accelerate on hills or in heavy traffic, the less efficiently you drive.

Optimize car for hypermiling

A hypermiling car is also optimized to drive as efficiently as possible. This means that the car is regularly maintained and that the tires are always at the correct pressure, so that the rolling resistance is good. Any unused items in the boot are removed to save weight, which also helps improve fuel economy.

Hypermiling: also when parking

A hypermiler who parks his car will always try to use the location to his advantage. When it is cold, they park the car facing the sun so that the sun melts a frozen windshield. Then you don’t have to use the car’s heating for this. And when it’s hot, they park in the shade so the car’s air conditioning doesn’t have to work too hard to lower the temperature in the car.

Some hypermilers park in optimal positions so that they don’t waste fuel with unnecessary maneuvers around the parking spaces. Usually this means that they park in reverse, so that they immediately drive forward. Some park on downhill slopes so they can ‘coast’ using as little fuel as possible, although it is not recommended as you do not have full control of a coasting vehicle.

Anticipatory driving

On the road, hypermilers will drive slowly and steadily and anticipate to plan their maneuvers in advance, rather than reacting to what is happening directly in front of the car. With a low speed you improve consumption considerably, although it is probably best to maintain a reasonable speed. Then you won’t antagonize fellow road users.

Throttle and steering are used smoothly, while Driving Without Brakes (DWB) is a popular mantra among hypermilers. They try to drive as long as possible without touching the middle pedal. This means that a hypermiler looks further ahead than the average road user and should also drive less erratically.

Hypermiling controversy: coasting in free

Coasting, allowing the car to roll without the engine driving the wheels, has led to some discussion. Some proponents of hypermiling put their cars in neutral to save fuel, by idling the engine on downhill roads. Others shut off the engine completely to save fuel (a technique known as Forced Auto Stop or FAS).

The latter technique can be dangerous because turning off the motor can interrupt power to the so-called servos that help with braking and steering. You also run the risk of the steering lock being engaged. No director should have to deal with this form of rollout. Many modern cars feature technology that causes the engine to idle as soon as the throttle is released, increasing efficiency in a safe, controlled manner and eliminating the need for coasting anyway.

Hypermiling through slipstreaming

Another controversial hypermiling technique is slipstreaming other traffic. This has its roots in motorsport, where cars sometimes drive bumper to bumper in convoy to improve airflow. While NASCAR racers try to drive as fast as possible by reducing drag, hypermilers use the disrupted airflow to reduce their consumption. The lower air pressure behind a vehicle means that the following car uses less energy to reach the same speed.

However, this usually endangers the hypermiler and the vehicle they are following, as they have to drive close to their predecessor to reach their goal. They would stay well within the golden rule of ‘two seconds’. It is designed for driving in dry conditions. Slipstreaming will shorten the reaction and braking time of the hypermiler if the vehicle in front suddenly slows down. And economical driving should not lead to accidents.

Again, responsible hypermilers avoid this technique and always recommend maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle in front. You can save just as much fuel by keeping your distance and anticipating what will happen next by looking as far down the road as possible.

Hypermiling tips for daily use

Hypermiling has a number of basic principles. Many rules are logical and can often be found in an article about economical driving. We summarize them below so you can see how you can use hypermiling in everyday traffic:

-Good maintenance. Maintain your car well with regular maintenance and keep your tires at the right pressure.

-Remove weight. Remove all excess weight, such as tools, bags, strollers, etc., from the car if you don’t need it.

-Don’t drive. If you’re only going five minutes away, can you walk or cycle? Are there other options that work well?

-Park + Ride. If you are going to a city center, you can save fuel by using such a location. After all: braking and accelerating in the city consumes a lot of energy. Or you can take a folding bike with you in your car, so you can park outside the city and cycle the last part. Or let the train do the work for the rest of the journey.

-Plan your route. If you must drive, plan a route that is as short and flat as possible and avoids possible traffic congestion.

-Reduce your speed. If you drive on the highway at 100 kilometers per hour, you will drive much more economically than at 120 or 130 kilometers per hour.

-Wear shoes with thin soles. Thin soles give you a better feel of the pedals, allowing you to accelerate and brake more smoothly.

-Anticipate the road ahead. Look as far ahead as possible. You can adjust your speed to the circumstances, taking traffic lights, intersections and slowing traffic into account.

-Be smooth. Soft throttle input and smooth steering keep your car stable so you can maintain its efficiency.

-Driving without brakes. Try to drive as long as possible without braking. This can help you save fuel and better anticipate events further down the road. If you have an electric or hybrid car, play with the B mode to recover energy. Sometimes it is more convenient to roll out longer.

-Engine off. If you have to stop for a moment, turn off your engine to save fuel. In many cars this already happens with the start-stop automatic.

-Air conditioning. In warm months with the air conditioning on, use recirculated air to cool the air in the passenger compartment instead of cooling the air entering the car. If it is cold, park the car in the sun so that the sun’s rays defrost the windshield, instead of using the heated window. You also have to heat less.

-Park smart. Find a parking space where you can drive forward and save fuel by avoiding reversing with a cold engine.
