A small child is startled by the Duudsons’ mix-up on TV – HP Parviainen admits: “The moped got out of hand”

The Duudsons, among other things, gas up inside the family home on a moped.

From Duudson, the moped literally goes out of hand. It is happening in a way that has not been seen before.

Jarno Laasala sits in the driver’s seat, and Jukka Hildén throws water into the mill. Men are The Dudsons came to the house in the series Suorajärvi as family guests in Perttula, Nurmijärvi. In the yard, you can find all kinds of motor vehicles, from ATVs to prams.

Laasala chooses a moped instead. First, he gasses it up outside, but then the two Laasala-Hildén decide to go and have a blast in a brand new detached house.

– You are not going! You are not going! terrified Jessica– mother manages to shout, but the ban falls on deaf ears.

Jarno Laasala rides a moped into the home of the Suorajärvi family, and the trail is in line with it. Niko Peltoniemi, Four

Hildén opens the front door without any problems, and Laasala rushes inside. From the hall, the journey continues to the living room with a white floor. Needless to say, it takes a hit. Black tire tracks flash on the screen.

The Suorajärvi family lives in a brand new detached house, where the walls and floors are light. Niko Peltoniemi, Four

The walls are also white, which the viewer on the couch at home pays attention to at the latest when the moped gets out of hand and goes up against the wall. The green plants get a ride, as do the firewood on the rack and its accessories. Jessica can only cover her eyes. Hildén also puts her hand in front of her mouth.

– Oops! you can get it from him too.

Next, Jessica shows with hand signals where Laasala can ride the moped: out.

– Quite classically, it happened that Jarno got too excited, HP Parviainen admit to the cameras.

– The moped got a little out of hand in the truest sense of the word.

Sira’s daughter is the lump of the family, who would like a more peaceful life and a tidy home. Niko Peltoniemi, Four

Very quickly, such chaos, uproar and mess has been created that the whole family is begging the Duudsons to stop. Sira-daughter would like to do something peaceful, and she doesn’t like the disorder caused either. At that moment, Laasala, who jumped off the moped, calms the child down.

– Let’s do something nice in a while. Let’s see, when they calm down, Laasala externalizes itself.

After the moped has been ridden inside, Jukka Hildén dumps garbage from garbage bags on the floor – and Jessica Suorajärvi cleans up. Niko Peltoniemi, Four

For the cameras, Laasala tells even more about the observations he made about the child.

– He was scared that it was getting too violent. Maybe he was also nervous about how his mother would react, he guesses.

The Duudsons came to the house today at Nelose at 20:00. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
