Frank Zander is allowed back into the hotel

By Wolfgang Emrich

After three years, Frank Zander (81) can once again hold his Christmas party for the homeless and needy at the Hotel Estrel in Berlin-Neukölln.

BZ found out exclusively from the cult singer (“Here comes Kurt”). Frank Zander happy: “During the corona pandemic, that was simply impossible. But now the hotel has given its commitment again. On December 22nd, together with my son Marcus, many helpers and sponsors, I can make poor people happy again for a few hours. The Berlin Blue Man Group has recently also confirmed!”

He remembers thoughtfully: “In the last three years we had to travel around Berlin with the Caritas food truck and distributed warm food and gifts for thousands on several days before Christmas. Honestly, the weather was really crap! I am now very relieved that we can continue our old tradition and celebrate again in one of the most beautiful and largest hotels in Europe.”

In 2019, almost 3,000 needy people enjoyed delicious roast goose at the Hotel Estrel at the Christmas party with many artists, all of whom performed without a fee

In 2019, almost 3,000 needy people enjoyed delicious roast goose at the Hotel Estrel at the Christmas party with many artists, all of whom performed without a fee Photo: Eventpress

In addition to the traditional goose meal with delicious red cabbage and dumplings as well as live music, there will again be warm clothing, sleeping bags, dog food, toys for children and gift bags with useful things for the guests.

Frank Zander: “In 1995 we invited homeless people to a family Christmas party for the first time. Almost 250 guests came and we entertained them. We have stuck to this tradition to this day and the celebration has developed into one of the most unusual, largest and most important Christmas events in Berlin, with almost 3,000 guests. Despite this immense dimension, I will always try to maintain the family charm and warmth of the first celebration.”

Anyone who would like to support Frank Zander can do so.

▶︎ Donation account: Diakonisches Werk Berlin-Brandenburg eV, Bank for Church and Diakonie. Password: Frank helps. IBAN: DE48 3506 0190 0000 0444 40 BIC: GENODED1DKD.

▶︎ Online donation:

Upon request, donation receipts can be issued by the Diakonisches Werk.

Thorsten Mönchshagen (58), who attended the Christmas party on Alexanderplatz last year, says movingly to BZ: “What Frank Zander has been giving us poor people for decades, so that he doesn’t forget us, for me that is 100 percent charity in action.”
