The Three Musketeers by Sergio Massa

On paper, Sergio Massa continues to have Eduardo “Wado” De Pedro as campaign manager, the Minister of the Interior and leader of La Cámpora who dreamed of being the official candidate for the Presidency but had to step down when Cristina Kirchner ended up accepting him to compete. he

Tigrense. Today, the truth is that the role of “Wado” in the campaign is decorative. Those who really decide and execute at Massa’s small table are two people from Buenos Aires and a man from Santiago who have accompanied him since the beginning of the Frente Renovador. They are Raúl “El Cabezón” Pérez, Rubén “El Turco” Eslaiman and Pablo Mirolo.

Pérez was born in La Plata and is known as one of the main operators of Massa. He is one of the guarantors of Massa’s political agreements in the province of Buenos Aires, with a strong influence in the Buenos Aires Legislature and good dialogue with the governors of northern Argentina. Pérez, when the Frente de Todos came to the Government, was Massa’s first choice for the Ministry of Transportation, but in those pre-pandemic years he had had a conflict with Enrique “Pepe” Albistur for the Peronist internal party of La Plata. Albistur accused him of not having worked hard enough for his wife Victoria Tolosa Paz to become mayor when in 2019 she lost against Florencia Saintout. When Massa proposed “Cabezón” Pérez for Transport, Albistur influenced Alberto Fernández to veto him.

Rubén Eslaiman is the current vice president of the Buenos Aires Legislature and is responsible for the agreements in the province of Buenos Aires, the most important district in the country. In this electoral turn, Eslaiman is the first candidate for Buenos Aires deputy on the Unión Por la Patria list.

Ruben Eslaiman

These days, both Pérez and Eslaiman are the hosts of the meetings that are taking place on the fifth floor of the bunker on Miter Street in downtown Buenos Aires. They are joined by Pablo Mirolo, a native of La Banda, Santiago del Estero, who originally joined the Frente Renovador and who was a candidate for mayor of his city, achieving victory against the apparatus of Governor Gerardo Morales.

Pablo Mirolo

The landing of these three Massa musketeers is tied to the strong presence of Malena Galmarini, the candidate’s wife, in the bunker after the PASO. With La Cámpora displaced, massism takes care of its candidate.

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