‘I don’t have the strength for it anymore’

Yvonne Coldeweijer has broken off contact with Gordon for the time being, because she does not want to be constantly called on by him. “I don’t have the strength for that.”


They were pen pals for a while: Yvonne Coldeweijer and Gordon. The entertainer was allowed to get his hands on this, because she was pretty much his last remaining ally in the media landscape. Now, however, he has done well with her; she has no desire to be constantly called to account.

Erratic contact

Yvonne had a soft spot for Gordon for a long time, with whom she has had regular app contact for years. At one point he even started using her as his spokesperson. However, the juice queen does not let anyone fool her and has always remained critical of the entertainer. As a result, things went wrong between the two in the spring.

Contact was restored, but since Yvonne said in the summer that Gordon had lost his way, things seem to be finally over between the two. This time it’s the juice hyena who doesn’t feel like it anymore.

Constantly angry

What exactly is it? Yvonne provides clarity on her juicechannel: “I currently have no contact with him because he was constantly angry with me for a while, because I often give my opinion about his behavior in my podcast.”

Yvonne states that she has his best interests at heart. “I always stand up for him, because I always want to help him. I just sometimes don’t fully agree with his choices and he has often confronted me with that lately.”

No power

And that is precisely what makes Yvonne a bit tired. “You don’t really have the strength to explain every time how I meant or didn’t mean something, so I just left it as it is.”

How is Gordon now? “To be honest, I have no idea at the moment how Corrie is doing. I hope good!”
