Primary school happy with the results of research into the traffic situation around the Alexia tunnel

De Wilgetoren primary school in Hilversum is happy with the research that the municipality has commissioned into the traffic situation around the Alexia tunnel. As a result of this study, it was decided to adjust the traffic situation around the tunnel. A month after the opening of the tunnel, the primary school noticed that the crossings opposite their school were not always safe for their students. However, the school director says that he wants to wait and see the new situation before the proverbial flag goes out.

“I am happy with the research,” director Koen van Praag told NH. The research and the upcoming measures confirm the suspicion of the director and his colleagues that the traffic situation at the crossings in front of their door could be much safer.

Their students have to cross during rush hour at a traffic circle where the Liebergerweg, the Kammerlingh Onnesweg and the Jan van de Heijdenstraat come together. This intersection is located just before the entrance and exit of the tunnel and there are several crossings for cyclists and pedestrians, where you can only cross in one direction.

Cars see these crossings relatively late and it is often not clear to crossers where they can and cannot cross. “Things often just go well,” the director said about the situation last September. To date, no serious accidents have occurred.

Crossings ahead

As a result of the external research, the municipality will take various measures in October to improve the traffic situation. The crossings in question are removed and new ones are placed further away. Both the Liebergerweg, the Kammerlingh Onnesweg and the Jan van de Heijdenstraat will have a crossing where you can cross in two directions.

The text continues.

But Van Praag does not yet dare to say whether this new situation will make it safer for the students of the Wilgetoren. “I’m curious to see how it will turn out.”

Concerns from local residents

Soon after the opening of the Alexia tunnel, it became apparent that a group of local residents and users of the tunnel were concerned about road safety. In addition to the school’s signature campaign and council questions from politicians, a manifesto from local residents and other stakeholders, started by the political party Hart voor Hilversum, was presented to traffic councilor Bart Heller in June of this year.

View the report from September 1, 2022 about the traffic situation in front of the school below.
